The pet peeves thread

Almost always, is a bizarre mix of cowardice and disrespect. (In too many cases, these days, ghosting is necessary to avoid harassment, or even harm. Thank you, social media.) But not the kind of ghosting you’re talking about.

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people who used to smoke on airplanes

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I frequently try to use the dictation function on iOS. Apple should be embarrassed by how bad it is. In this era of advanced AI and voice recognition, I should not have to go back to correct an error like the random capitalization of words, for example after a comma, not a period. (I had to go back and decapitalize the word “for” in the previous sentence. Of course I had to mess around with the cursor to get it to that lonely “F” and change it to lowercase.)

I would not need to make so many corrections if the AI in the system would actually hear me when I’m speaking very clearly, as I am attempting to do in this post. It drives me nuts.

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Political extremism.


Utah law actually says the bicyclists can treat stop signs as yield signs.

And when at a red light intersection, after coming to a complete stop and waiting at least 90 seconds, may cautiously enter the intersection and proceed across the roadway if no other vehicles or pedestrians are approaching

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Does anyone else hate the truth?

As a person who follows elections and populism for sport, I have truly enjoyed the Trump era.

I get this is pet peeves, but I still want my champagne room experience here. Some of this is making me worried I may have to leave town and go to Spearmint Rhino if we keep heading down this road.

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People taking calls while they order at coffee shops, food establishments, etc. Also, people who make enormous orders at food establishments that probably should have been made ahead of time.


People who get their news and political opinions from social media.


Every one of these you post, my first thought is, “oh yeah, that’s a good one”. That should scare you because I am a misanthrope at heart.


Basketball color announcers who say things like, “these two teams can really score the basketball”. How about, these two team have excellent offensive ability. What else are you supposed to do with the basketball?

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Social media influencers.

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I consider myself an anti-social influencer


" This is going to be a great defensive struggle, but I think the team that scores the most is going to come out with the win"


I was riding east bound from the Capitol toward Shriner’s hospital on the upper road around City Creek the other day, when I noticed a couple of cars, going the opposite direction, turning left into the parking lot (see google maps below).

The drivers were stopped, signaling, and waiting for me and a couple of pedestrians to get by before they turned. I had just passed the cars, when 3 cyclists passed me going the opposite way at high speed (at least 40 mph) and over taking the motorists turning left.

I expected and then heard the crash, and turned around to go see if I could help.

One of the cyclists passed the cars on the left, just as the lead car turned left.

He sideswiped the car, taking the rear view mirror off, and then hit the curb or a rock, head-on, flipping he and his bike over, head over heels, and landed head first in between two of the large boulders in the area, placed there to keep automobiles from leaving the road.

After some time, the cyclist (20 something, very fit) got slowly up, seemed OK, and declined to have an ambulance called or any help from anyone. He planned to call his girlfriend to drive over and pick up what was left of him and his 12K carbon fiber bike.

He was breaking several laws, but more importantly not using a lot of common sense, and very lucky didn’t pay a high price (had he hit one of the boulders head first, rather than landing between them, no helmet would have saved his skull).

If you are a cyclist, and passing on the right or the left, an automobile that is slowing or stopped, you should always be asking the question: what is this driver doing, where is he going, and/or what is in his way? Otherwise, you’ll find out the answer to that question the hard way.

Ride safely out there folks!,-111.8811353,3a,90y,325.3h,72.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRGtudMbJzKw3QQPRv_5zdA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


People who chew with their mouth open.

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Bill Maher

The Jardiance commercial, with choreography like some major broadway musical.

All the dancing and everyone’s smiling, and somebody recommends a yellow dress and she smiles and accepts and then things become somehow even more awesome. (Where’s my bottle of Pepto?)

Most importantly, now everyone knows what A1C is, and anyone with any performing arts aptitude can say “A1C” and twirl around.

The only thing I would ask is if they could put the Taco Bell Chihuahua lurking in the background at 10 times the actual size, a menacing – yet lovable – figure that reminds everyone we’re one genetic mutation away from the planet being ruled by Chihuahuas.

Other than that, everything in that commercial is perfect.



Thank you Ma-ake for this pet peeve submission. I hit the mute button and cover my eyes from having to hear and see this commercial. I admit at first view of the commercial I thought the protagonist in the commercial was going to sprain an ankle or fall off the ledge of the fountain while she was gyrating.

The office version of Jardiance is not much better, same musical choreography with a twist. For reasons unknown, there is a frustrated transitioning man with his B-cups blaring through his sweater who can’t figure out the copy machine. His appearance can only be used to try to distract us from the annoying dancing and obnoxious singing, he is not germane to the commercial.

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