The official "What are you listening to right now?" thread

Were so hip it hurts :wink:


…very hip…


Thanks for posting this!!!

I was never a huge fan of Jim Croce, but always loved this tune. I was learning to play guitar as a young teenager at the time this was released and very distinctly remember the second guitar on this tune as being extraordinary. I spent several hours learning the single note lines, accent chords and parallel 3rds and 6ths that the second guitarist used to accentuate Croce’s finger style chords and vocals.

I completely forgot about the tune until you posted this but just read that the man who played the guitar part then was Maury Muehleisen. He died in the same plane crash that killed Croce (otherwise, he was talented enough that I’m certain we would all know who he was). He also does a spectacular job of background vocals that provide the needed harmony while carefully taking a backseat to the primary vocals.

Just took my guitar out and am relearning it - GREAT STUFF…


You’ll fit in well here.


It’s great you’re inspired to take up an instrument again. Everyone’s nostalgic about the music they heard from childhood through High School. There’s a lot of great music nowadays too; I tend to listen to the older stuff, but I also feel privileged to grow up in a time when so many people were woodshedded in the discipline of their instruments. They also seem to create music that had a conversational interchange amongst each other (does anyone hear a bridge or an outro anymore?) It was also an eclectic time, drawing from many forms.
Here’s an example where I didn’t really spend a lot of time listening to Leon Russell - but he’s got his fingerprint everywhere - and this seemed to be a nice representation of his soulful music, and excellent musical interludes amongst players:


I really do enjoy this song. Can’t listen to Jim Croce for long, but he was a good singer and songwriter.

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I’m thinkig at least 50% of really active posters here are 60+ years old at this point… or at least people talk like we’re all old farts Hahahaha :smile: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I cant wait for my senior discount at Mikie D’s. Get to the point where I can chuck furniture around and no one calls the cops.

When I was born, there were only 48 states.

Went to a social the other day full of people so young, that I have parts of my body that have been broken and nonfunctional longer than they have been alive. :wink:


The senior discount sounds about as good as larger portions.


My grandmother love Lawrence Welk. My grandfather called it bubble music.

While LW is far from my cup of tea, he does bring back memories that are dear to me.

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I’m 51 and I feel like the edgy teenager here.


Don’t you mean 48 provinces…of the Roman Empire?


my 2nd foster family watched it devotedly… It’s a weird guilty pleasure for me, reminding me of the early 70s

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I’m so old I can remember being trapped at my grandmother’s house when all she would have on TV was this. Grandma sure knew how to torture a youngster…


My dad had 2-3 Mitch Miller records he’d play. At the age of four or five I liked them.