The official "What are you listening to right now?" thread

I saw the Rolling Stones live this week for the first time ever. I’m kind of a concert junkie (some would even say I have a problem)… I’ve literally seen hundreds of artists live in my lifetime, but somehow I had never seen the Stones. I have to say it was spectacular… easily a Top 10 all-time show for me.

While I’ve always liked the Stones, I wouldn’t call myself a super fan or anything like that. But when I think about their longevity, body of work, and pure musicianship: objectively it’s very hard not to conclude that they’re the greatest rock & roll band of all time.


I love the RS but I’m also a Beatles snob. I Think the Stones were best from 68-74. After that, seemed a bit self referential. Also think theyr’e albums - unlike the Beatles - always had a few hits with a fair amount of pap. But that’s just MHO. Never a huge fan of Mick’s dancing either, but, not to take away from the fact I have deep respect for both Mick and Keif for being much more inteligent than people give credit. Love seing them in interviews as well.
I am glad you had a wonderful time. Gonna post this for your admiration and thoughts.


I saw them a week ago in Vegas. Yeah, they are still incredible. Mick has got to be the greatest front man of all time.


I’ve seen the Stones a couple of times, including at “the home of our Utes” in (I think) the fall of '94.

I’ve been a Stones fan since my youth. I remember walking around the avenues in the 60’s listening to Stones tunes like Paint It Black, Satisfaction, etc. on my 6 transistor radio and loving every minute.

In the early 70’s, in my early high school years I took up guitar and played eventually in a very successful band in the south part of the valley, (Brighton, Hillcrest and Jordan High School areas) that did a lot of Stones tunes.

He is rarely recognized as such, but in my opinion, Keith Richards is one of the most influential guitar players that came out of the 60’s 70’s Rock and Roll era. Not for his single line solos, (ala Hendrix or Clapton, but more for his very full sounding rhythm guitar playing and for the chord riffs that are the most familiar part of what we all think of when we hear their tunes. For example, the simple basic guitar riff that defines the tune Satisfaction. Or the chord voicings, often with fourths (ala Brown Sugar), that have the Keith Richard’s sound and which became common once he introduced them. Not known by many people was the fact that a great deal of his unique sounds were played on a guitar in an open G tuning which he always credits Ry Cooder for showing him.

The Stones are not know as the greatest rock and roll band in the world for nothing. In their original era, the Beatles were certainly the greatest, but the Stones were the ever so close second, and they certainly out lasted the Beatles by generations.

As for Richards, how on God’s Green Earth, is someone who took that volume of drugs, drank that much alcohol, smoked that many cigarettes, lived on the road for decades, and otherwise abused his body to extreme, still walking around, let alone touring?!? Have you seen the arthritis in his fingers? How he plays a guitar is beyond me.

I have an old friend from my high school band days, that swears that Keif is actually a zombie. He does look the part . :slight_smile:



What does this mean? Your friend has some special knowledge that Richards is a creature from fiction, a reanimated corpse seeking the flesh, blood, brains, whathaveyou of living beings? What are the arguments he makes regarding this theory?



As for Richards, how on God’s Green Earth, is someone who took that volume of drugs, drank that much alcohol, smoked that many cigarettes, lived on the road for decades, and otherwise abused his body to extreme, still walking around, let alone touring?!? Have you seen the arthritis in his fingers? How he plays a guitar is beyond me.> Blockquote

I read his book LIFE and regarding his heroin use he said he never increased his dose. Ever. Which must have taken herculean effort, but there it is. He also said regarding cocaine that he would do 1 line and that was it for the night. “I never turned blue in anyone’s bathroom…” After he had his fall from the palm tree and a brain bleed, he said he had to swear of cocaine because of doctors orders; otherwise he would still be down…
He also said that he wanted to be a librarian if he didn’t make it in music. Aparently, he has a very extensive library in his home in Conneticut with tens of thousands of books.
So, I think what’s unique is the inteligence and fortitude of a dedicated musician. The chain smoking cigarettes and the alcohol intake are another matter, but he sure has dodged a few bullets and live about 8.5 of his 9 lives to be sure.

The open chords, the everlasting riffs and IMHO, his perfect rythym are probably the biggest part of the Stones sound. Remember when he head-choppled a fan who came on stage in the 80’s? Dude’s a warrior.


My friend is only commenting on how “dead” Richards looks…

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Doesn’t miss a beat. Insouciant.


Near the end of the PBS documentary Life Beyond Earth ( the late paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould states (scroll to 1:44:07) that if we are ever able to communicate with extra terrestrial beings one question he would ask is, what is the best thing you’ve ever done. Likewise, he would introduce to them Bach’s B minor Mass, in his view, the greatest thing we’ve ever done.


The new album from Hell:On matches my generally angry mood today (trying to navigate the hellscape that is the medical/insurance system in the US is endlessly infuriating).

Grawr. :rage:


Our necks are burnt, our roads are dirt, and our trucks ain’t clean; the dogs run loose, we smoke, we chew, we fry everything.

This young man…nice job.


That music video is revolutionary.

Not the biggest Harry Styles fan but this is a GOOD cover.


Perhaps so; but is it equally relevant?