What's your place in line to get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Based on your risk profile, we believe you’re in line behind 23.0 million people across the United States.

When it comes to Utah, we think you’re behind 172,000 others who are at higher risk in your state.

And in Salt Lake County, you’re behind 73,100 others.

These are just estimates and the line may ultimately be shorter. The order isn’t yet finalized and children could be skipped entirely if the vaccine isn’t approved for people under 18.

If the line in Utah was represented by about 100 people, this is where you’d be standing:

My mom is 73, and is a retired teacher. Her retirement gig has been doing new teacher evaluations for Canyons School district. She works 10-15 hours a week, doing observation and coaching.

She was informed yesterday that since she is employed by the school district, she will be getting the vaccine in this “first round”. Not exactly sure when yet, but it’ll be sooner rather than later.

She wasn’t high risk for anything other than age, but I’m going to sleep a lot better knowing that she’ll have it.


As a Canyons Employee myself I couldn’t put my name on the list fast enough to sign up for the vaccine.