This forum is the best one

The best part about this forum? There’s no dislike button. It is quite a peaceful place to be. Thank you to everyone for making it so.
Go, Utes!

Absolutely. And, in most cases, a quite respectful place for sports fans.

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I apologize. I was supposed to be more disruptive and antagonistic.

I will try more. :wink:


So you’re the one who voted for a blue star option.


I’ve been disappointed with the lack of Godfather movie gifs



Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.


I should’ve taken the cannoli. :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


Guilty. I work on it.


Fun fact: I’ve never seen any of The Godfather movies.


The first two are definitely worth seeing. If you can find a version where they put the two together in chronological order with some of the deleted scenes, they are even better.


I liked the blue stars. They helped make the Zoob trolls immediately obvious so I didn’t have to read their posts.

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I’m not sure if this is going to be popular, but I also miss the political posts being public. It helped make the forum more freewheeling, vibrant and chaotic. I actually like to see what fellow posters on here think about politics and religion.


I think Whitt needs to be fired and Bryson Barnes needs to be sent back to Pee-Wee football!

Just kidding.

What do you mean most cases? :joy:



In all seriousness, I can’t really recall any recent unpleasantry. Other than that one thread by our OC member, can’t really think of any.

Every community has their tiffs, but they’re pretty mild or short-lived here. Used to get bad like 10 years ago (and some at another site haven’t returned here and seen it’s much better - but it’s worse there with a few more bullies; both better than FB, X, etc.). Also, this one has a better layout (I can’t figure out what’s ‘new’ in embedded conversations with some other layouts) and logo.


Nah. I cause a ■■■■ storm when I find some things have a racial tinge to them. Living in the South I don’t like to allow those perceived biases to slide because it’s gone unchecked for too long around here but also will admit I’ve said things that are just exposing my own biases. I hope people realize I do it in love not anger.

Also, my fight with OC is just my predisposed nature to fight with my SC loving cousins.

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Having spent 20 years in the South and traveled to a bunch places in the south, I can say Utah has its own version of those behaviors. This is a topic for another day.

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Yup. As Caucasians, we just gotta call it out. Not gonna go into detail but I was around an SEC Athletic Director at my young age (1990s) who casually dropped the N multiple times. That’s the last time I let it slide. I’ve fired clients for doing crap like that.

But, yeah. Some people ask why I stay on the board since the Sugar Bowl was long ago. Someone said I wouldn’t come back after a game. One, I’m stubborn and I like to keep proving them wrong. Second, I have always loved folks from Utah and LDS friends in HS who went to Utah or Up North and I feel someone at home around y’all.


Fwiw…met a pretty cool guy at Lowe’s a few weeks ago. Hes from Wyoming, had a mullet and was wearing a big-o cowboy hat. Got to chatting and he’s funny as hell. Turns out, he’s an Air Force vet and spent a bit of time in Japan. At one point, he said, “I’m a redneck, but I ain’t no racist or a bigot.”

So cool.