The pet peeves thread

They have not.

They were very briefly discontinued back in 2012 when Hostess filed for bankruptcy, but were brought back very quickly.


Unfortunate. Humanity is worse off for it:


Xfinity’s system is so hilariously bad.

When we set up my account decades ago, I set up several alias e-mails for different things. I.E.,,, etc. I have one “main” account I use and don’t access these aliases very often, but would like to keep them active.

For each of these accounts, Xfinity requires you to have a “backup” e-mail address and phone number on file. So in case you get locked out the account by someone trying to hack it, they can ping that backup contact to confirm it’s really you. Makes sense, right?

However, each account requires a DIFFERENT e-mail and DIFFERENT phone number to be used as the backup. So I can’t use my cell phone number - the only phone number I have - as the backup number for more than one account. I would somehow have to put in different phone numbers for each of the different email accounts. Where the hell am I supposed to get 5 different phone numbers to use for this?

The kicker? Xfinity requires this information before they will let you even access the account online.

Just so, so stupid.


Damn, what a convoluted mess. Even with all their issues, at least google allows one phone number across all of your accts, same for back up email.


When we moved it took two months to cancel our Xfinity account, even though we moved out of their service area. They actually fought our efforts to cancel.


I’ll be cancelling our cable service next week. Not even sure why I’ve kept it so long tbh, since we don’t watch anything other than football and there are less expensive alternatives for that.

Definitely dreading the cancellation experience.


Much sooner than I expected it to happen, we have been streaming-only since the beginning of football season. We have Amazon and Netflix, and Fubo has replaced network and cable TV for us. I don’t miss cable a bit.
We can see everything we want, and Big12 coverage is much easier to access than the PAC-12 was. (Not that I’m watching much of the Utes these days.)

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Allergies, allergies are quite irritating.

On a more serious note, people who don’t respond back to a question in a timely manner.

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Just needs a good “AS PER MY LAST E-MAIL”


Cetirizine is my deliverance from allergies

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They are laying Google Fiber in our neighborhood. Before they started, there was a flier hung on our doorknob that had a number to call if there were issues. Of course there were issues, and of course they said they would get right back to me with answers.


To be clear, the number they gave to call was a Google Fiber number. Had they just given us the number of the contractor that was doing the work, that would have made life easier. The Google people didn’t even know about them laying the fiber. They kept asking for my account number and I had to keep telling them I didn’t have an account because we didn’t have Google Fiber yet, it was just being laid down in the neighborhood.


Google Fiber was great when they came through our neighborhood three years ago. Now, CenturyLink on the other hand, they came through this past summer a week after the HOA had the street resealed. They never came back through to remove their paint marking existing lines, which are also on the curbing. They left a four foot deep hole next to my driveway, too, that we had to fill.


I am now hesitant to get Google Fiber, since now I don’t trust their customer service.

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My boss switched to Google Fiber a couple months ago. Ever since, every Zoom meeting he’s on is a choppy mess. He cuts in and out, freezes, etc. never happened before he switched.

Says the internet speed when he rests it is great, but it just doesn’t play nice for virtual meetings in Zoom or MS Teams. Which isn’t great for a job that’s fully virtual.

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Centurylink is welcome to knock themselves up. Same for Optimum, for the same reasons, crappy customer service and infrastructure maintenance.


Once again I am prompted for an update on my older home laptop. (likely replacing later this year) and after coming back up asks me repeatedly to go to Windows 11.

What part of “no thank you I prefer not to upgrade to Windows 11” can’t they understand? Sigh

I want there to be a button “stop f***** asking me”


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Miscellaneous Politics and War Posts

Yeah, some people are just, umm, problematic.

Another pet peeve that I have is the DMV. In this particular case, the NC DMV. My hell do they make it hard to transfer a title of a vehicle: notarize this, go stand in that line. Oh you missed filling that line out so the notarization is invalid, you must start over. Oh you finally got it, sorry, you need to go to this other location to finish it.


Interestingly, I actually had a really amazing customer service experience with the Utah DMV a couple years back.

When mom passed, I needed to transfer the title of her car over to me. I set up a virtual appointment with one of their reps, and he was truly amazing. Walked me step by step through exactly what I needed to do, checked all the forms to make sure they had all the info, even stayed on the Zoom meeting while I ran upstairs to scan a document because I didn’t have the right one. I told him I’d just scan and submit it later and he said “I want to stay on to make sure it all gets logged correctly”. He was really awesome and it was such a huge help (I was dealing with all sorts of crazy estate executor nonsense at that time).

So big thumbs up for that one dude from the Utah DMV who was awesome!


I’m glad you were able to find someone helpful.