Shingles vaccine

I got the 2nd round of the Shingles vaccine yesterday, and folks it’s kicking my rear end. I think this is almost worse than the time I had COVID. The headache and the body aches are quite hellish. Without giving too much detail, my new hips are working nicely when I sprint to the toilet. You know it’s bad when Ginger Ale, Sprite, Coke, Dr. Pepper, and Ginger Ale Lemonade all sound terrible. Monk is nice to doze to.

I get my 2nd dose in a few weeks. The first one was worse than my COVID vaccinations. Not looking forward to the next one.

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Mine weren’t too bad. A sore arm. Same with Covid vaccines and annual flu shots. Wish I knew what makes the reactions different for different people.


Isn’t getting old fun?


Mrs CCU said I had to get it once I was eligible. She got shingles and it kicked her butt for a few painful months. I did the dosage for shingles and that vaccine kicked my butt for 3 or 4 days, but was ok afterwards. Now hopefully I never get the stupid disease.


Wait, what? I didn’t realize it was a multi dose thing. Are there different options? I just got the shot yesterday as I happened to have a periodic checkup, and was reminded I just became ‘eligible’ with my recent birthday. Somehow I thought it was supposed to be a single dose.


Same for me, just a sore arm for a couple of days


Same here. Just a sore arm and nothing else.


Same here. I’m curious. I didn’t have any reaction. Looks like I’m missing something.


This is a year old but it’s informative.

I got Shingrix same time as the latest flu vaccine. No reaction. I’ll have to ask my pharmacist if I got the second Shingrix shot. I’ve been such a pincushion lately I’m having trouble keeping track.


Had no issue first shot. Second shot got flu like symptoms for about 18 hours. Then fine. A very small price to pay to avoid what I’ve seen some people go thru with actual shingles. Oh and you can get shingles in your eyes. Think about that…


After a good night’s rest, I’m ready to take on the day. That was a misery I would rather not repeat. Compared to what the actual illness is described as, I got off easy.

May you all have the appropriate amount of fawning from your subjects on this Father’s Day.


It beat me up for a day or so and the arm hurt a little more than the flu shot, but well worth the trouble. No one wants shingles. Not a character building experience…
I recall the pnuemovax shots as the hardest of the bunch.


Same with me. Pharmacist told me the second one would be worse, but it was actually milder than the first. Side effects should only last a day. Anyway, beats the alternative if you know anyone who ever had shingles.


Maybe mine was bad because I got a TDAP booster at the same time.

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Could be. I got the TDAP separately. I did have a flu and shingles shot at the same time however.

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What I hate, besides losing my 35" vertical, is needing readers. I’m now 53 and this year started really needing those. That said, I’ve heard I’m a bit lucky in that many needed those way before their 50’s.

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When you turn 60, bifocals become trifocals.


Sorry to hear it is giving you hell right now… but please trust me, the alternative is far far worse. I developed it while stuck in that Nursing Home for 3 years, on the entire R side of my head/neck… Made it impossible to sleep until body was just exhausted and shut down. God willing, now that Ive had that vaccine I’ll never have a repeat.
We’ve all heard the expression “I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy!”… well, guess what… I ABSOLUTELY would do this to my worst enemy! :laughing: :joy: