Shingrex is rough … I got mine on a Friday afternoon and spent the entire weekend in bed feeling like I had had the worst flew ever.
The first dose of Shingrix knocked me out. I think I slept for 24 hours straight. The second dose was piece of cake.
None of my covid shots were that bad.
The older version of the shingles vaccine, called Zostavax, was a single dose. However, that vaccine is no longer available in the USA because it wasn’t as effective as the new vaccine, Shingrix, which requires two doses 60 days apart. It’s more powerful in stopping shingles, which, trust me, is not something that I would wish on my worst enemy, even if they graduated from BYU.
Got my 2nd shot on Sunday. Although I didn’t feel much after-effect for the 1st shot, the 2nd shot did give me a headache for about 36 hours. I’m pretty sensitive to headaches in that I almost never get it.
Glad that’s over.
The reality is, depending on your personal physiology, ANY vaccine can kick your ■■■… it all matters on how your immune system handles it.
I had both of mine with only minor discomfort.