Just really great movies


Haven’t seen Inception
Need to see Fight Club (started/never finished)
Concur on Shawshank

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Sam Rockwell is an amazing actor. This is a great movie.

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Some of my more recent favorites that weren’t necessarily box office smashes:

As Above So Below
The Hole in the Ground
The Witch
Sicario: Day of the Soldado
Blue Ruin

That movie was really hyped to me by a few people. I ended up watching it by myself on the dark the other year. It had little to no impact on me, surprisingly.

Sicario was one of those movies that at first made me want to turn away because of the businesslike, pity-free violence, but it sucked me in to the end. Oddly enough, I didn’t feel that way about No Country for Old Men because it was just too nihilistic for me.


I really enjoy dark movies, and while Sicario is certainly grim, it tells an honest story without glorifying the cartels, or the forces fighting them. There’s no clear protagonist, besides maybe Benicio Del Toro, but even he has been transformed by the drug war from a law abiding citizen to a remorseless state sponsored vigilante. I think it’s brilliant, and I actually think the sequel is even better (although most critics disagree).

I enjoyed No Country for Old Men, but it relied too heavily on symbolism for me to consider it a favorite. Sometimes I just want to be entertained without having to watch half-hour long interviews from writers and directors explaining the different plot devices, etc to understand exactly what message they were trying to convey.

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It wasn’t particularly scary, but the buildup was pretty nail biting. Ari Aster is not afraid to take chances, and I think his detour from more traditionally popular horror staples is refreshing (that sounded pretentious as hell, but not sure how else to say it). Midsommar, his most recent film, was interesting, and beautifully shot, but didn’t live up to Hereditary imho.

I loved it. Javier Bardem does an amazing job of playing the ultimate evil character.


Me too. It is fantastic story telling, almost like reading a John Steinbeck book. There is a great youtube video explaining how well the Coen Brothers did when they made that movie.

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It will seem trite, especially in comparison with the excellent films above, but The Lego Movie was fantastic. I literally love everything about it, though as a kid who built an entire world from Lego in the physical and imaginary sphere, I may be biased. The movie was perfect in my mind. I took my then less than 2 1/2 year-old girl to it and she sat through the whole thing in the theater even more transfixed than I.


So this is a movie thread, but I have to say that Cormac McCarthy is one of my favorite authors.


The female protagonist, Carla Jean was striking and then, when I looked it up, I realized that she was the feme fatale, Diane in Trainspotting.
Pretty good West Texas drawl for a gal from Glasgow



Oh yeah. I know what you’re talking about. I have a huge crush on her.

I still didn’t like No Country for Old Men. You can’t make me like it. You can’t, you can’t, you can 't.

Fargo, anyone? I love William H Macy, as well as Frances Mcdormand. Loved 3 billboards too, but that was a tough watch.


That’s a really well written, well made, well executed movie.

Reminds me of this in a way


I’m a fan of Pulp Fiction and The Big Lebowski.


“You are entering a world of pain”

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