For dog lovers

If you love dogs, I want you to see if you can watch this without laughing out loud.

We have a mini wired hair doxie who’s like that. He can be great, but when he’s not, well he’s like that Golden.

*** Do you want me to get the dead ducks out from the frozen water?
I’ll do it…***

And the winner is…!!

Love him.

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Interesting and fun for dog people to watch.


she loves snow just a little bit


Love that picture. I hope our puppy loves the snow, if we ever get some this winter.

That’s a bingo! of a photo :wink:

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Some dogs just love the snow. Our Aussies are bred to be outside, and I guess that’s why they get excited when they see it and start rolling around in it.

Rescue dogs are generally great. Some will continue to have issues, which is very sad. But a large majority, once they realize that they’re safe and loved become some of the best pets ever.

We foster for a rescue here in the Carolinas. There have been a couple dogs that I didn’t like. Mostly because they were either extremely destructive, or didn’t treat our permanent pets well. Us having 2 cats and small dogs makes for a good test of temperment for small kids, and other animals. We’ve had a couple fosters that have been deemed unadoptable, that with their foster family (now permanent) are great. Our last several fosters have actually been puppies, small and LARGE. All have been nice, and most have been highly intelligent. One was pretty dumb, but she was so sweet that she made up for it. She’s now with a family where she’s helping her owner who has Lupus. That foster is perfect for this lady.

Anyway, I can go on about rescue dogs. You did a great job helping one with a 2nd chance at life.

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Who rescued whom?:paw_prints:

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That’s an extremely fair question. I’m always amazed by the bond humans have with dogs. Dogs from tiny little guys who fit in tea cups, up to the giant wolf hounds or bigger. Dogs are great for us humans. Are we great for them? I hope so.

It’s an ubiquitous bumper sticker; and when I saw it for the first time, I almost wept.
We have two rescue cats
They also asked me to point out the superiority of cats…


This brings to mind several beliefs I have developed about dogs.

First, mutts can be the greatest dogs. I call them “mixed breed,” just to be polite to them. There is some science behind this. Mixed breed dogs don’t have the inbreeding problems have some purebreds too. I was not a dog guy either, but our first one showed up at our house as a puppy. She squeezed in through our gate-she was small enough to fit through. (Eventually she weighed 70 lbs.) We are pretty sure someone simply brought her to the neighborhood and let her go, hoping she would be taken in. We like to say that out of all the neighboring houses and families she chose us, not the other way around.

Our kids persuaded us to keep her and we had her for 17 years. She was the greatest dog ever. Smart, sweet-tempered, great with children, and all the rest. I held her in my arms when she left us, and I was devastated for several days.

Since then we have had purebred dogs because we love the Australian Shepherd breed. We are on our third. The first one was another wonderful dog, and after 13 years she left us in March. I am still not over that one. She and the prior dog were my running companions, went with me everywhere, went on family trips with us, you know the story. Now we have a seven-month-old Aussie puppy.

I never expected or wanted to be a dog person, but I have been sucked in. And I would not hesitate to adopt another mixed breed pup.


Married 33 years and have had dog(s) all but the first couple. Seven in all not counting my kids 3 dogs. Just can’t live without them. :grinning::+1:


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If you don’t love dogs, well, that’s a deal-breaker for me…

The Unbreakable Bond