Dairy Cougs vs. Another Type of Cat Chat

Stick around. Diversity is strength. Or something along those lines.

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Most of Social Media is a weird dark feedback loop. Why would you expect anything different?

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I resemble this remark. :wink:


Some of the methods that WebMonkey used to use to try to fend off the trolls were kind of fun. Like when after a number of down votes you would literally become a troll, with a green image, and all of your words were scrambled into gibberish.


Pute yanow reluyen. Raleti ma na berikir roc. Ayix daso se emano ficimi yabenul. Miru rapo natun tenorid ciekena somog tahal pito ukitie ni. Umiton ana dos; tagar ho esihoduy sepenin jov uvid; sal ge fa rerino sihato mer boneme dehitap afa. Pesew hise orarilip; bepa pulerir sula etage varanu te ibolena marilo rolisi. Beneta wecew aliri simir doruc. Enatare tege cen icaneta suhace. Dedural goce rotiwi mahen ceruta sa lesieril game? Casagih caruyed etirapu ujitu metas ebalume tupeg. Diyipa riesepe uce.


Can’t argue with that.


Don’t own it, never have. Haven’t been there in 3 years. So it’s still there?

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We’re all still available to pump gas for you.


May have been mentioned above, but apparently Utah State’s new coach decided for this season he wanted the home benches on the west and visiting benches on the east (right in front of “The Herd”) During the game the USU students were throwing water bottles and other objects at the Cougar players and the players were spraying water and gatorade back at the students. (It’s a matter of debate “who started it”)

Never before have heard of the home team NOT being in front of the students in any college football venue. (But presumably isn’t the only time it’s happened)


Laramie…might not be the official student section, but the Die Hards, pennies, and urine bombs were pretty ugly stuff.

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We’re going to try to fix it. The people who took on responsibility for maintaining the site simply disappeared.

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I’m ready for another mythical national championship.

Didn’t read the rest of the thread because too much and didn’t care.

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