Zoobs are delusional or smoking righteous weed

I usually say something like, “I don’t believe in the Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny anymore, either.”


Not sure why y’all are even mildly surprised with this zoob thing. I don’t even bother with it anymore. C’est la vie

p.s. to be fair, I don’t bother with Utes-zoobs, either.


Schadenfreude and it’s fun. Mostly to tweak their noses a bit. We did warn them that the transition would be much harder than they thought. They didn’t listen, now they’re bitching, and we’re laughing.


I can see doing that with people I know. Outside of that, meh. They just get ugly. haha

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They dress funny too.

Then you’re responding to classless behavior with even less class. How about just “I think so too?”

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so Big XII Commissioner has opted to keep the basketball tournament in Kansas City vs. exploring Las Vegas.


we had it so good

To quote Blade, “Some ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ have always got to try to skate uphill.” BYU has been skating uphill for over a decade now, and still haven’t figured it out yet.

As to the social awkwardness, I have been asked that question numerous times while traveling the world by people, when they find out I am from Utah. What makes it funnier is when they ask while I am consuming an adult beverage. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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It is in my nature.