Zoob Coach about to Coach "Them"

I don’t trust any adult male who lacks a beard.

When my 3 sons were much younger, my wife prohibited B&B in the house… for understandable reasons.


Then, she went on her annual pilgrimage back to Kentucky for a couple of weeks., and I had no objection to the boys catching up on Beavis & Butthead. We had a great time together.

When Mrs Ma’ake came back, my youngest - about 4 years old at the time - was mimicking the continuous Butthead nervous laugh “heh-heh, heh-heh, heh-heh, heh-heh…”

Man, she was angry… until she saw the episode where B&B discover the copying machine, trying to counterfeit $20 bills with a sloppy, spazzy scissor cut on a B&W copy, to take to the convenience store.

When the clerk asked them if they’re serious about using an obvious, poor quality counterfeit, Butthead responds with:

Perhaps you’ll begin to see things my way” … as he slides forward another bogus $20

Ie, so absurd you can’t take it seriously.

Then I was off the hotseat.


The best parts of those shows was the commentary that those two bozos made while watching music videos.

“huh, huh, huh…wait a minute, this sucks…huh, huh. huh”


Here’s one loosely related to recent events. They’re watching some music video…

Beavis: “Wow! That guy looks like Kato Kaelin! What a great guy.…”

Butthead: “Yeah, what a great guy…”

Beavis “Yeah, his face looks like the a$$ end of a dolphin… but what a great guy!


I remember one where they were watching a Hall & Oates video. Beavis says (about Hall), “I like that guy, he looks like me”