What is sportsmanship all about, anyway?

A take by Joseph Epstein:

Sports­man­ship mat­ters be­cause with­out it sports are an empty propo­si­tion—a mat­ter of who is faster, stronger or more bru­tal than whom. Sports­man­ship im­plies re­spect—for the game, for your op­po­nent, for your­self. A great part of the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for sports is as a forc­ing-house for build­ing char­ac­ter. Ac­cept­ing de­feat with grace is one of sports­man­ship’s char­ac­ter-build­ing com­po­nents; win­ning with­out brag­gado­cio is an-other. A strong sense of fair­ness is yet a third com­po-nent and dis­ci­pline and per­se-ver­ance a fourth and fifth. With­out sports­man­ship, sports are lit­tle more than grown men play­ing chil­dren’s games.

I always said, if you score a touchdown, act like you’ve done it all the time, like it’s no big deal.

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I’m expecting that they will perhaps outgrow it at some point soon. I’m not sure I see it as bad sportsmanship, just stupid. I mind a lot less the individual demonstrations off a good play. But the orchestrated team demonstrations are just gaudy and gross as far as I’m concerned, and I think it does make them look like children.