We always suspected this was going on...suspicions confirmed!

EDIT After reading the full article, probably should hit this with the NSFW label.

Dear Lord. That’s a way around the HC.


The funniest part about that whole tweet was the use of the phrase “Sexual workarounds”


Guess they don’t really mean: Red Crabs Begin Migration March on Australia's Christmas Island

I mean, seems that the crabs migrated at BYU, from one region, to another.


I will never be able to watch a BYU game without watching for the student section doing an inordinate amount of scratching.


Well, don’t watch BYU. Save your eyes.


:laughing: :rofl: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :money_mouth_face: Nawwwww…they just make making fun of them far too easy.


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Just goes to show they aren’t as rich as some of them think they are (or are going to be).

Rich people don’t get the crabs, they get the lobsters! :joy::joy::joy:


Granted it’s been several decades since my last Biology class, but this leaves me a bit perplexed. If this is how they are having “relations,” then how did they become such prolific breeders? :thinking:

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It may be a bridge too far but the fact remains that no other school in the universe would have such a rumor.

It’s also hysterical


Been trying to resist commenting on this one but can’t help it. Yes we all like to make fun of the school down in happy valley. But I really doubt there are lots of horny young people down there wanting to ‘exercise’ with each other that would think “gee we were told all these various actions are wrong but THIS action not precisely defined in the honor code or mentioned by our church leaders must be OK”.

It is funny though

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Ok, time to offer a different take…

Then I was at BASIC training (a long time ago) we had several guys in my training platoon get those little bastards from a visit to a strip club (where more than stripping was going on). The whole training company was out on a weekend pass. On the Wednesday following the “event,” our barracks got “bombed with de lousing powder, we got “bombed” with de lousing powder; and after we got showered, we got marched up to the PX barber for haircuts. Since I really hadn’t grown any hair on my head, I had to do push-ups so I could get better blood flow to my scalp. (Truth is none of the Drill Sergeants wanted to sent me off to my new unit, post training, looking like a recruit)

It’s funny it happened down there, but not surprising the critters spread. Crab lice and bedbugs…:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

Wait a minute, is there any correlation = causation going on here?



@utefansince79, These students are the exact types to try to find a loopHOLE in anything to their advantage. This is just the latest version of what used to be a common tactic of getting “married” for a weekend: heading to Vegas, getting married, releasing some literal tension, then getting it annulled upon their return to Happy Valley….but only a little bit happier and a lot more relaxed.


But if they are a ‘believer’ they may feel they are fooling the bishop and honor code police, but would they really they are fooling God?


“Bringham” and “public” hair; is this intended to be an Onion-like article or does my sarcasm detector need adjusting?