Utes vs. SoCal Bears…who do you have winning this one?

Yup. He was trying to run before catching…as a 10th year senior, he should know better.

10th year junior :wink:


The refs must have gotten a call from the league office requesting more flags or they weren’t getting paid

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anxiety time

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Definitely seems that way - a lot of flags on that drive.

But 6 plays, 91 yards? Ouch. Passing at will, not much pressure on this young kid.

Offense goes sloppy and this is what happens. That UCLA QB is growing up right in front of our eyes – he’s a gamer for sure.

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we’re going manage this drive, i feel it :slight_smile:


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you called it

No penalties please.

Rising with passing TD, rushing TD, punt. Can we get a FG from him?

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I think they showed him adding salt to a pretzel in concessions too


Utah’s fourth-down defense is atrocious. It’s quite inexcusable.

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The broadcast team just cannot give up homering to the LA viewers :frowning:


Rod Gilmore is almost as bad as the refs.


jesus, Utes have become a PAC12 defense

yayyy…our 80’s/90’s defense is back!

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This may have been noted earlier but i just noticed that UCLA is wearing the TJAL-22 stickers on their helmets. I am really impressed with all they have done to show their condolences and unity with the Utes.


Only team that hasn’t is USC

That’s the best punt we’ve had from anyone all year