Utefans Profile Picture issues

Some time ago, my profile picture on the board, started showing in some contexts using a website default as pictured below:


This image would show up when I gave a star to someone, and on the summary page when I posted something, but my regular profile picture would appear on the actual post.

I started casually looking into the issue this morning and found that the problem is probably related to either using a jpeg image for my profile rather than the default png image type), or as a result of having a larger file size image (or perhaps the resulting increased image density).

In any case, I downloaded my current image, converted it to a png image, uploaded the result, changed my profile to use the png image, and voila, the issue went away.

I’m posting a note on the topic here, as at least the following people have the same issue:

@HoopUte , @330ute, @Ma-ake, @LuckyUte, @LAUte, @operaman86.

On a related topic, a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGG time ago, the underlying engine for the website had an issue that would not allow a change in the email address associated with your profile. I tried it again today, and it worked :slight_smile:

Well that explains it. I just thought I had lost what remaining hair I have, lost some coloring and added a few more extra pounds.


@salUTE, thanks for tagging me on this. Didn’t realize it. But it did give me a chance to go from the word mark of my favorite pro team to newer version of the Weagle.



Thanks! Still odd to me that it works fine on a PC and iPad but not on an iPhone, but who knows how picky those bits are in there.


interesting… for me, the error was occurring on all three platforms…

I only ever look at Utefans on my windows computer, and I saw the issue once I left the main message board utility.


Hey bucko! Hope to actually make it to the next tailgate… the health and weather and other timing issues didnt work out for the 1st 2 games.

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Hey wassup man? Had anyone else do a major life-threatening faceplant onto concrete in your presence lately? That fall convinced me to talk to my doctors about balance issues, and I’ll be using thje collapsed crutchy as a walking stick fairly permanently now!