Some time ago, my profile picture on the board, started showing in some contexts using a website default as pictured below:
This image would show up when I gave a star to someone, and on the summary page when I posted something, but my regular profile picture would appear on the actual post.
I started casually looking into the issue this morning and found that the problem is probably related to either using a jpeg image for my profile rather than the default png image type), or as a result of having a larger file size image (or perhaps the resulting increased image density).
In any case, I downloaded my current image, converted it to a png image, uploaded the result, changed my profile to use the png image, and voila, the issue went away.
I’m posting a note on the topic here, as at least the following people have the same issue:
On a related topic, a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGG time ago, the underlying engine for the website had an issue that would not allow a change in the email address associated with your profile. I tried it again today, and it worked
@salUTE, thanks for tagging me on this. Didn’t realize it. But it did give me a chance to go from the word mark of my favorite pro team to newer version of the Weagle.
Hey wassup man? Had anyone else do a major life-threatening faceplant onto concrete in your presence lately? That fall convinced me to talk to my doctors about balance issues, and I’ll be using thje collapsed crutchy as a walking stick fairly permanently now!