Utah vs. Oregon State watch party at Fiddler’s Elbow, 10/23/2021, 5:00 PM (Game time 5:30)

I’m looking forward to meeting the group at Fiddler’s Elbow this afternoon/evening. As a reminder, we are on the patio, which is enclosed and has heaters, but as I recall there is a bit of air leakage. It’s looking a bit cooler than I had originally expected today, but nothing a light jacket won’t overcome.

I’m expecting another exciting game, although it is probably wishful thinking to expect something as dramatic as the second half last week.

There will be plenty of room for anyone deciding to join late, come on by :slight_smile:

See you all there.



HEY PEEPS! I sure hope you all have a great time watching! Thankfully BYU winning does help aus a bit… Now that the idiotic #10 ranking BS is gone, we need them and SDSU to win out to help our ratings. And losing @San DIego in 3 OT with them continuing to look good, can only help us!

Have fun and I’ll be listening on radio, or watching a stream if there is one!

Since no one answered before, I guess I can assuem ESPECIALLY with COVID that there are no moe Utefans Tailgates like a decade ago. I do hope to catch up with peeps for the first time since well before Chris’ death.

GO UTES! Screw the Y!

Sorry, gang, I’ve been looking forward to this gathering for several weeks but I am under the weather today. I’m very disappointed. Have fun, and I will stay in touch with you via the in game chat. Go Utes!

Hope you are well soon.

Hope you feel better quickly.

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Thanks for the note and hope you enjoyed the game (as much as possible, given the circumstances :frowning: ).

As for tailgates, we do not have a tailgate spot this year, but hope to do so next year, as you say, once COVID is far in the rear view mirror.


Thanks to those who came out, it was great to meet people and put a face with a name. I’m sorry the scoreboard did not cooperate, but as someone said a few weeks ago, they still have all of their goals in front of them - just need to win next week :slight_smile:



The scoreboard was not kind, but the time out with others to see the game was good.

Next game up.



It was really great to meet one of the board ogs. Thanks for putting it together. I look forward to the tailgate.


Whatevee happened to that Pirate SHip thing anyway? TO tell you how long ago I got to a tailgate, that was still there. The last 7 years have completed obliterated the life I had before.

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We are planning on doing a tailgate for the Oregon game. Who’s in??

I will already be at the tailgate. Just let me know where you will be and I’ll stop by.

Thanks for posting the question @Steggys_Mixtapes, I’ll be there (with bells on :slight_smile: ).

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The ship was dismantled and Monkey sold the trailer.

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Well I suppose I could be in, just to have a chance to meet some of y’all again after SO MANY DAMN YEARS.

Please provide info on where I need to go and what time, and I’ll try to see if I cant contirubte some $$. WIth the crutces I have to use due to foot neuropathy, it’s rather hard to carry anything, so funds it shall be.

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