UNTOLD: Swamp Kings on Netflix is basically the Urban Meyer doc with some Utah slander

Sorry. I really just wanted to hate on Urbs. The Gators have been down bad since their 2008 season.

Sorry. You can put the wipes away.

Probably musty popcorn since that debate is from the Bush Administration. A debate younger than SC’s relevance in college football. BOOM!


On the other end of Swamp Kings and Bama Rush is BS High. This was a fascinating look how money and football has become so big nobody cares about a con man creating a school and exploiting kids.


I have high hopes for this doc. I’m fascinated how this all went down.

I like that they really expose the whole story but also point out that schools like IMG are just a more organized version of BS. How IMG was sold to a Private Equity Firm and they are just doing to HS sports what we already have done to College athletes. How the Coach of BS is no different than an Urban Meyer in the same way they don’t really care about the long future of these players. Just their own fame and wealth.

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LOL…Point taken.


This tweet was making my point in a more succinct way:


I didn’t find that part to be slanderous at all. Showed some great highlights of a spectacular Ute season. The player who’s parents came and told him, “this ain’t Utah” were said to have been drinking all that day before meeting UM. The player himself (who’s parents were called in to discuss discipline problems) said that his parents were kind of nuts and that Meyer gave him a hug afterwards and said “Keep doing what you’re doing–those are the craziest parents I’ve ever met.” and he was laughing about the whole incident. But I didn’t really see any disrespect for what UM had accomplished in his short time on the Hill.

It was a little ridiculous how they zipped right past the Aaron Hernandez issues.