The pet peeves thread

Yes, sir…installed in everyone of my restroom. Haha


When your’e at a red light and the person in front doesn’t hug the line so everyone behind them, that could safely take a right on red has to wait, and wait, and wait…


Ok, here’s a response that you could’ve posted, “a pet peeve of mine: POLITICS.” Bam, simple, and universally understood.


Front seat gaps in cars. Any owner is guaranteed to lose something in them once or twice a year, usually when you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to hunt for the item. I haven’t found a gap filler that I like yet.


Fwiw, IMO, certain things may be “politics”, others are just plain right-and-wrong. Commiting fraud, cheating, socializing costs and privatizing profits, etc.


When I am too tired to cook.


That’s why Stouffer’s frozen lasagna was invented…

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Welcome to America.


Land of free, home of brave

I shy away from lasagna, bad experience as a kid - my mom was eager to make a new recipe, but forgot to get the meat, so we got lots and lots of pasta layers, with cutup bologna every once in a while and cottage cheese or something else as filler, maybe some tomato sauce… or ketchup.

We called it “layer after layer after layer”. Overcooked, it was like an archeology dig at Pompeii.

My dad took one bite, then looked around at us kids for reactions, then, “In the car, kids, we’re going to McDonalds!


Yesterday was a rough day for me. I was frustrating because I wanted to cook a nice dinner of gyoza and ham fried rice.

I get being tired when you do a lot of stuff, but that was not the case yesterday. It was like someone pulled the plug; and days like those just drive me nuts.

And to the lasagne dinner idea we had one last night, but we don’t do Stauffers. We get the Kirkland stuff - though I make a better one. :wink:


What the management at Boeing has done to a proud American aviation dynasty.

After Alaska Airlines involuntarily dropped an unsecured door on a school teacher’s yard, the NTSB has been asking a lot of questions.

Apparently Boeing is stonewalling, or they’re just functionally challenged, because now they have this lady on their a$$: NTSB Chair Not Pleased With Boeing’s Cooperation On Door Plug Probe - AVweb

She could be smiling all the way through the process, but this woman will dismember that company, routing out incompetence and / or hackneyed attempts at stonewalling.


I hope they pull though.

My son works for a competitor of Boeing on Defense projects and they are constantly ripping Boeing for poor workmanship on the previous contract that his company took over. Lots of pet peeves about Boeing being garbage on many fronts.


Definitely a case study of management taking power out of the hands of those building the planes as well as different design stages. Moving HQ and creating distance between the bean counters and production has killed quality in an over-pivot to quarterly earnings for the shareholder.


Feels like this could be said for nearly every corporation. Safety, quality, customer service, operational efficiency…they’re all gleefully ignored for the sake of a half-percent increase somewhere on a quarterly report.

I get that’s the way the world works, but I’ve come to the realization that it’s all just incredibly…gross.


When upper management compensation is tied to stock price, then management decisions will be geared toward immediate profitability, and not necessarily long range well being of the company. (see layoffs)


It also feels quite unsustainable. 4-7% growth until the end of time is not a viable model for most companies, but it seems that is what is now expected…everything else be damned.

(can you tell I’ve become very disenchanted with the corporate world lately? :laughing: )


Even more “fun” in Utah. Haha


What’s infuriating is Boeing had a multi-decade lead on Airbus, whose first flight of the A320 landed in the treetops in France because of computer issues, back in the early 80s.

Since then, Airbus has steadily innovated and made progress, while Boeing is becoming the material for multiple chapters in future business text-books on what not to do.

Pretty bad when a senior former employee scheduled his flight to avoid being on a MAX, but the equipment got switched and he was on a MAX, anyway… then wanted off.

‘I’m Not Trying to Cause a Scene. I Just Want to Get Off This Plane.’ - POLITICO