
The fragile nature of Texas won’t be able to tolerate the SEC. That said, what are you doing Zoobs? Throw the horns down and go big or go home.

Let’s remember how the UT coach went off on UCF because of it:

BYU officials had the students remove the shirts pretty early on.

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Because of Texas’ feelings?

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No. BYU’s beat writer confirmed that it was BYU administration that initiated having them change because they didnt feel that it reflected poorly on them. Personally, a little petty all the way around, personal opinion.


I have to admit ignorance here. Is there some racist or vulgar implication to this sign? Honestly no clue just thought it was like a boo or something. Is there an actual line crossing interpretation to it or ?


Zero. It’s literally like when people say “Roll Tide Roll down the toilet bowl.” It’s just fun fan stuff. Texas fans are big cry babies and hate when people do it. Texas is going to have a hard time in the SEC with this. They even made a rule in the Big 12 they threw flags on players who did it.


Not really. I think mostly started from a rival (eother OU or Texas A&M) since Texas will say horns up and make the hand sign. Others have asopted horns down more and more as their own sign (like ‘never Texas’). I think it’s just the trend toward negativity (cheer against someone rather than FOR your team). Nothing vulgar or racist, but some admins just see it as an opportunity to teach class and sportsmanship but it just becomes a photo opp and spreads.


So, to make it simple for some here. Texas fans EQUAL BYU fans for whining and taking offense to EVERYTHING. They can be quite obnoxious.


Could ask my son-in-law who’s from Texas if there is some hidden meaning to horns down, but doubt there is. Not that some of the BYU fans don’t overstep good sportsmanship sometimes, but I really see nothing wrong with the shirts and it’s rather silly they were forced to remove them.

I’ve noted a few times that when BYU football players have entered the field making an upside down “U” with their hands, none of our players/coacher/administration have made anything of it. Our team simply goes out there and tries to win the game.


Yep. Best to ignore. I have graduate degrees from UT-Austin, so that’s my bona fides :wink:.

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Was that after the game is Tuscaloosa this year? :thinking: :wink:

Er, :zipper_mouth_face: lol

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No after they beat Texas at Texas. Not when they beat Texas in the Rose Bowl for the BCS Championship. He was saying on the radio show after the game he didn’t like it being done by his players post-game. I wouldn’t do it but I think it’s lame to stop people from doing it or to get mad if it’s done.

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The more people respond angrily to the gesture, the more that the gesture will be used. Ignore the gesture and it will tend to go away.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Thread for misplaced Politics and Ward Posts

I miss the kid in the MUSS who screamed bloody murder while other teams were shooting free throws.


Can we still just give everyone a single middle horn up? I’m so tired if this kind of fake outrage idiocy. Just tired.

BYU and UT both annoy me beyond words.


wasnt sure where else to put this? LOL

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Dusting vents…ROFLMAO. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Only because I have to pay a company to get it done right.

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