One of my biggest failures in life was not being born into the Eccles family :)

not to be out done the @LAUte foundation is rumored to be donating $110,000,001.00 to the Law School

and the Sorenson family

At a high school girls tennis tournament a few years ago, Spence Eccles came and stood next to me and asked me which one my daughter was. He watched her for a few minutes and then commented to me how well she played. Made my day. A genuinely nice man from my very limited interaction with him.


You know that was supposed to be confidential. Now that you’ve disclosed it I’ve withdrawn the gift. You’re going to be getting hate mail from the law school.


I may have said this before, but I made two terrible financial decisions that have haunted me all my life. First I chose the wrong parents; and then I married for love.



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You can marry more money in a minute then you can make in a lifetime.

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