Oh how I detest this day

I full realize this says more about me than anything else, but I hate Feb 14th more and more every year.

My spouse is incredible and the love of my life, but she has bought into Valentines day hook, line and sinker.

I envy those of you with partners who don’t make a big deal of this day. Unfortunately I’m not in that camp. And social media has made it so much worse.

Its barely 9 am and its already begun. Thoughts and prayers to all of us trying to survive the middle of Feb.

I’m so sorry. I told Mrs CCU a long time ago that I didn’t care for Valentine’s Day, and likely wouldn’t do anything special for her on that day. I worked in restaurants too many V-day’s. It, Mother’s Day, and Easter are the days I dislike the most because of foodservice.

It helps on my account that her birthday is a few days after. I’d rather do something big or really nice for her birthday than what has become a contrived holiday. I also prefer to surprise her with things at random times during the year. Those, to me, mean more because they’re unexpected.


My wife and daughter left for Vegas with the in laws today to say goodbyes to an Aunt. My daughter was her favorite great niece, and my wife was one of the favorite nieces. She is almost 90 and had declining health so this was expected. I will miss them and hope they stay safe on the drive.


We are doing an overnight date Fri and going to Meow Wolf on Sat. I have a board meeting tonight (everyone seemed ok with it) but we generally don’t make a huge deal and haven’t really bought into the commercialism of it all. However, my daughter is throwing a party tomorrow (they have Fri off of school) and has made all sorts or red and love related treats.


It gets better when you’re around 70.


It’s my son’s birthday so that’s always alleviated the pressure for a big V-day.
Also, my wife doesn’t really care.
I’m making her lobster mac & cheese tonight. That should be good enough, I think.


I got my good friend some chocolate and a card for V Day. It ended up meaning a lot to him because it had been a long time since anyone acknowledged that. I’m not opposed to the holiday by any means even though I am single. I don’t let it get to me. On the other hand, if I was in some of your guys situations I might feel differently.

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We try to make Valentine’s Day everyday. Honor our commitments and enjoy each othet. Express love, affection and respectfulness regardles of a Halmark money grab


Lobstah macs and snacks.
Never heard of that and I’m from Boston.
Will you me my valentine too?

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The way to slow down runaway Valentine’s Day expectations is to buy 85% cocoa chocolate.

Then bail out with “But it’s good for your heart, honey!”