Nick Rolovich Is going to blame this on why he’s fired

Kick his selfish a#s out,


Auburn is kind of cultish. They may try to get the vaccine removed from their bodies.

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I don’t think this will go to trial, but I wish it would.

On page 3, the letter states that Rolovich has a “religious opposition to medical research based on aborted fetal tissue.” Like many other vaccines and pharmaceuticals widely available in the United States, the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson vaccines were derived from cell lines descended from cells taken from abortions decades ago and do not contain any fetal tissue.

The development of the vaccines is not an issue for the Catholic church, an entity that has been on the frontlines of encouraging people to get vaccinated. The church has previously said that “it is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production processes.”

On April 21, Rolovich was granted an audience with Dr. Guy Palmer, a world-renowned WSU regents professor of pathology and infectious diseases.

Over about an hour, Rolovich drove a conversation that focused on topics that were consistent with what Palmer said has been shared by the “anti-vax crowd on social media” over the past several years.

“Kind of typical ones: Is Bill Gates involved with the vaccines? Does [Gates] hold a patent on the vaccines?” Palmer recalled to ESPN. “He asked whether SV40 is in the vaccines and whether that could be a dangerous thing. And the answer to that is no.”

SV40, also known as the simian virus 40, was found to have contaminated polio vaccines in the late 1950s and early 1960s. However, multiple studies – including one from the Institute of Medicine Immunization Safety Review Committee in 2002 – have not found a link between that contamination and any harmful impacts. No vaccines currently contain SV40, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and it’s unclear where Rolovich would have gotten the idea it was present in COVID vaccines.

Yeah Nick, I’m not buying your deeply held religious beliefs.



Amazing how many of these deeply held beliefs have suddenly sprung up in the past 8-12 months.