NFL team to Utah?

Apparently this is his wishful thinking. Thoughts on the subject?
I think maybe but no public money. The NFL can afford to pitch in. Non profit yeah right.
For starters team name. The Inversion. No blue in the uniforms at all.

Sunday play could be an issue. Plus the need for a stadium.

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The old prison site is available. Lol true on both counts. Sunday has been an issue here since forever.

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Some zoobs will own it and they’ll always be in the playoff hunt and never win anything. They’ll be just good enough to keep us suckers entertained.

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I like it. How about…
Utah Saints
Utah Seagulls
Utah Moose
Utah Trout
Utah Pioneers

Hopefully the U of U already has the good names trade marked so they can make some cash on the deal.

PS. Utah is not getting a team.


Utah Raptors.


Is there really enough corporate support and season ticket base to sustain an NFL team in Utah? I look at the names buying ads for the Jazz, and the local college football teams and I’m not seeing the kind of companies that could really help land an NFL team. MLB seems more doable maybe. This is a really small market even with all of the silicon slopes companies here.

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Exactly, not enough money and support to make it work. I laughed at the idea of it. Besides Las Vegas is only a few hours away and a much more enjoyable experience.

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Figure a new franchise from the league would likely cost $3 billion. $7 billion for a new Stadium. $200 million to staff up a front office and pay coaches.

All before paying players.

Yeah, not ever happening.


Utah Republicants? :wink:


Umm the Pioneer League team in Ogden might have a complete hissy fit at that idea.

To hell with them.


Close…Utah Replicants.


Seeing how I-15 slows to a crawl on MLS game days at Rio Tinto, I say “no thank you” to building an arena at the prison location.

If I want to catch an NFL game (and I don’t) I can drive to Vegas. Utah football has enough entertainment for me.


The joke at our house when one of us goes to the mailbox is we’re headed out to pick up that $1million check. I think the odds are about the same as Utah getting an NFL or MLB franchise.


Would think that if an NFL expansion team wanted to use Raptors as a name, the amount they would need to pay to Ogden’s Pioneer league team for naming rights would be a drop in the bucket compared to other costs.

But this is all highly improbable. Fun to speculate though.

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If it were to happen, who would pay for the stadium? (rhetorical question, we all know who will pay. The people who won’t be able to afford to go to the games)


you dont seem to understand… Sure they could buy it off, assuing the club in Ogden was willing, BUT IT WOULD STIL BE ■■■■■■ AS HELL TO DO.

I’m sure private investors would never expect taxpayers to eat that bill…. Oh wait :flushed:

That being said a Greenbay model would be cool (and should be the standard).


Can always count on UFN to maximize the cynicism. Reading this thread was a bundle of joy.