My son has made the final round of a competition to win a meet and greet with Zack Moss as well as Monday night tickets in Buffalo next week. If ya’ll could throw a vote his way today that would be awesome. His entry is called Asher’s idol and he is in the 6th round. Appreciate the support.
Good luck to your boy. My grandson met Zack and Demari Simpkins a couple of years back when we were at a birthday part at Fat Cats. He was six then and has followed everything Zack Moss since. It’s a thrill for kids that age.
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Good luck kid!
Just a side note, the guy that founded that survey company, Gigg, is from Provo and a huge Coogar fan. Figures that someone from Provo would capitalize on a survey platform.
Done. I was #377. Hope your son gets it
He Won!!! Thanks again to everyone who voted. I will share some pictures of the trip after the weekend. Thanks for making my little boys dream a reality!