Perfect example of some of the good in local media below.
I’ve never been able to stand to listen to his radio programs, but Hans’ film evaluations of Ute games (they’re the only ones I pay attention to) are usually very good and always enjoyable.
Perfect example of some of the good in local media below.
I’ve never been able to stand to listen to his radio programs, but Hans’ film evaluations of Ute games (they’re the only ones I pay attention to) are usually very good and always enjoyable.
Whenever I remember the conscious decision by LDS, Inc some years ago to gut the DN and turn it into a rubberstamp “media outlet”, I cant help but think of the irony of them having built that new miniskyscraper on 100 south in the 90s. SO much for THAT pipedream. I always felt terrible for the hordes of peeps who got axed with zero warning aftet years of loyalty and dedication.
I think you and I have butted heads on politics in the past, mostly in that IIRC you like to bring them into threads that don’t need politics. Please take the politics to the politics room.
It wasn’t I who spouted ultracon 1st. Stop with the “but…”. Flag that post, and move politics to politics. That is part of what has brought civility back to the board.
I’m as big a political junkie as there is, but I don’t want it discussed in my general fanboard.
Bummer, Josh Newman tweeted he’s no longer with the SL Tribune
WTF? I thought he was doing a great job. Really liked his Ute Mailbag.
Whoa…wonder what happened.
Newman was good, but he wasn’t a local. I hope it was his decision.
Best of luck to him.
The tweet doesn’t seem to have the tone of it being voluntary.
I’d almost guarantee it wasn’t his decision.
The Trib is a strange place.
Non-profit status has not been good for them, IMO.
Josh’s tweets the last few months have shown the Trib has often not even had him in the building.
(Side note—-they can’t even get their “newsletter” to send right)
Figure I dumped my Trib subscription in January. I am fully aware one subscription doesn’t have an effect; but given the fact the overall reporting had devolved to Church/Religion News and a smattering of local news, it really wasn’t readable anymore. The truth is over the last two years I got better local news from the NY Times than I was getting in the Trib.
Josh did a good job, but it’s hard to justify paying for a paper for one writer’s work.
Too bad. I really can’t stand DN.
I simply won’t subscribe to the DN. Ever.
WRT the Trib, I know people that won’t read it because they think it’s hostile to the COJCOLDS church. I also know people who think it’s too easy on it. I tend to lean this way a little but not radically so. My take is that if they’re pissing off both extremes they must be doing something right.
The Tribune has actually been adding staff, so letting Newman go seems really counter to that. There has to be a back story we’ll likely never know. If I had my pick on who there I’d love to get the Ute beat it would be Andy Larsen, as long as he doesn’t have to give up his data dives columns. He’s a gem.
They’re adding cheap staff.
Look at most of their writer, they’re fresh out of college first job types.
Dick Norse has passed away
That’s pretty sad. He was an institution in Utah news for how long? I know he had his, ummm, quirks but still.
He was on air for 43 years.
I interacted with him in a professional setting several years ago. He was extremely nice.
CCU, he was one of the most professional, moderate men to ever appear on Utah news. He may have been personally conservative (I’m not entirely sure) but he always showed as close to complete objectivity as I can ever remember in Utah Media.
I think, looking back, he was sort of a hero/role model for me - as a 2 time cancer survivor myself (and a 3 times deadly infection survivor), and someone who has to get bone-scanned every year for the rest of my life to keep an eye on 12 different bone tumors, he was so inspirational words are hard to find. To reach 83 after Non-hodgkins Lymphoma alone, I am in awe.
Requiescat In Pacem, Richard.
You leave a beautiful example for all of us.
For clarity, based on what I know of him, he was not “personally conservative”. I viewed him as a wonderful person and appreciate your kind words about him.
Saw him once at a viewing where refreshments were served and he was enjoying a beverage (either wine/beer), was a long time ago. a few years before his retirement from KSL.