Largest Data Breach 10 Billion passwords

I love this sort of thing. We live on a razor’s edge.

In the article, there is a link to a password checker published on the web site… I’m sorry, I’m NOT typing any of my hundreds of passwords into that or any other site :frowning:


At this point, I figure that if someone really wants to try and get into my accounts, I sure they’ll be able to.

I’ve been fairly lucky so far with only a couple minor instances of account shenanigans (someone hacked my Blizzard account once and my Steam account went wonky a couple years back). I try to keep decent security by not reusing passwords and doing random passwords (on site I care about, anyways), but I just can’t bring myself to lose a ton of sleep when these breaches happen.



Yup, I don’t share a single password across multiple accounts. It’s a bad idea, and it’s really not that hard to manage.

I think that’s very smart and definitely the right thing to do.
I was more amazed that you have hundreds of password-able things in your life.

Your comment piqued my curiosity, so I took a look:

  1. I have 223 password-able accounts, that are all recorded along with other account details, like a possible username/email/phone, etc. in a single encrypted file.
  2. The encrypted file has a password, that is not recorded anywhere.
  3. A sizable number of these accounts, all related to travel (several each of the following: airlines, hotel chains, car rentals) I don’t use as much now that I’m retired, and no longer traveling for business.
  4. I have accounts with lots of financial and bill-pay type of organizations.
  5. I choose not to use a single account (Gmail, Facebook, etc.) as a proxy to lots of other accounts. (I’d be curious to see if others here do, and how it works for them.)
  6. I see many accounts with a large variety of organizations I do business with that are largely used to manage rebate/awards programs. Perhaps a lot of people don’t play this game as much as I do.

That said, I doubt that the number of accounts I have is unusual. The whole world seems to run by account access via the internet to virtually everything. For example I have a password for this website, one other Ute fan forum (in which I’m no longer active) the CC, Ticketmaster, StubHub, KSL Classified, CougarBoard, all as a result of my Ute-fandom.

Or is it just me?

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I see what you are saying. That makes sense.
My life is less complicated than many living in babylon, so more than 20 seems like a lot to me.

This is identical to what I do, with one added security feature: The password for that encrypted file is different from every other password that I use, all of which are alphanumeric, most with mixed case and special characters and all at least 12 characters long. That’s why I’ve told Mrs. SPCoug that that unwritten/unuttered (except to her) password for that file is something she absolutely, positively, needs to remember, in case I get struck by lightning or hit by a car.

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