Jazz by the numbers

That’s true, especially the spitting in the COVID era. But one of the phrases was completely racist. And that is just wrong.

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Or because it’s not being widely reported.

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Not widely reported? Lol, I read it at that obscure upstart ESPN.com.

You mean you read it a full 36 hours later than my post. That’s weird there was more information and reporting. Also, it’s great there are couple other fans who made them feel better but it’s still an instance that happens often at Jazz games through the decades. How do these three fans keep getting back in or is it more than just these three fans?

Come on dude. I’m an Alabama fan who easily calls out my fan base for their racism.


How’s about an actual link to the article and tell us when you read it?

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There is a link and I did provide it. It’s one of the main stories on espn.com( oh look there’s the second time I named my source).

I don’t mind you calling me douche, it says more about you then it does me. I’m trying to have an honest discussion here but you want to take it there?

Because that is clearly seeking honest engagement.

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If he admits his oversite was an honest mistake then I’ll apologize. Based on his history and his cable news style reporting I believe he’s disingenuous on this topic. Some fans misbehaved, other fans did something to put a stop to it, the Jazz organization responded with appropriate bans. It’s not a “Jazz fans are racist” situation, it’s a case of 3 fans acting out and dozens of other Jazz fans and the organization doing something about it.

So I called him out to get the whole story out there. You are correct, I went about it in a bad way. My tactics were wrong but it’s still pretty funny to hear that criticism from somebody who calls people childish names in response. How is what you did any better then my clumsy sarcasm?

Had to go there huh?

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My bad that was out of line. I will delete

don’t delete it just own it

I apologize. This must be the first instance of reported Jazz fans acting this way. Those other incidents must have happened in New Orleans. Guys like you will do whataboutism and misdirection instead of admitting there is a chronic problem.


Misdirection? Which one of us is presenting the full context of the story and which one is posting tweets.

Racist abusive people attend Jazz games. Racist abusive people are found in all arenas. It is a serious problem and needs to be addressed league wide. Not wanting to focus only on the negative I am pleased to see other fans doing something to prevent bad behavior and I believe it is important to highlight that as it’s the key to prevention.

If your willing to indict an entire fan base for the actions of a few then you should have no problem exonerating that fan base for the actions many more took in response to that few.

Whataboutism. Did you just “all arenas” excuse them? Also, I posted a tweet from the NBA beat writer. Sorry, I didn’t attend the game.

Also, you continue to ignore that this is not the first instance at Jazz games.

Straw man argument. Never did I say this was an entire fan base action but it is an entire fan base scar. Alabama fans are not all racists but that doesn’t mean we don’t have an issue that we as a collective have had to try and root out of our culture.

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Tell the whole story or leave it alone. If it’s a problem you’re serious about you wouldn’t cut portions out of the story or jump the gun by presenting incomplete information in a narrative form.

You can call me whatever you want but I’m not disingenuous and I won’t take you serious as long as you are. I’ll give you the last words but make them good ones this time, honest ones, don’t try to prove who’s wrong or right just be genuine.

Anyway, Kuz played like a cat on fire last night but his numbers were horrible. Sometimes the box score lies.

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Memphis was toast after game 3, but tonight was the nail in the coffin. This will be a gentleman’s sweep. I’d rather face Dallas than LAC.

It’s a tough call. They’re both so good. But I think you’re right.

This thread needs more action. Who thinks the Jazz have a shot? I think they might. I’ve been in therapy long enough now to realize that there are reasons to have hope for this team. I’m throwin down for the Jazz.