I’ve been pretty absent on the message board for some time, mainly due to my work on other aspects of Utefans.
I’m reaching out because we need your support now more than ever. Me, Jordan Wynn, Kenneth Scott, and the rest of the Utefans team are working hard to bring in new and compelling content. We are also beginning to organize events as we move forward as a collective.
July 30th marks our first fundraising event at Mountain Dell Golf Course. This event will feature Micah Bernard, Brant Kuithe, Solomon Enis, and Tavion Thomas (maybe more). We’ll be posting more updates on our first charity scramble very soon!
If you guys are interested in seeing certain athletes appear at our events or in our podcasts, let us know! If you haven’t seen the Plan to Wynn with Bryson Barnes or the Wynn to Scott report featuring Utah standout Marcus Williams, check them out! They are on our homepage and on our YouTube channel.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Also, we will be resuming our watch parties for the upcoming season at Fiddlers Elbow! We’d also like to explore tailgate options as well as other events. If you guys have any suggestions or ideas about what we could do better, let us know!
Utefans.net truly is the original home for Ute Fans. Our base…you guys…are what truly matters. We are the oldest and proudest Utah fan site and we intend to keep it that way.
Awesome. For those of us who don’t golf, exactly how do we support the cause? (Guessing there may be a Ute tent where somebody’s taking cash / checks / plastic?)
It will be open to 100 golfers (25 foursomes). Each foursome will have a player. There will also be 100 non-golfer lunch spots. For more info checkout The Utah Social Open on twitter.