I keep telling my wife easy with the horn, and put that middle finger away

The legislature recently proposed a new law codifying what has always seemed to me like the only sensible way to manage merging traffic. It’s interesting to read that the so-called “Zipper Method” increases traffic throughput by up to 40%, which always seemed intuitively obvious to me.


Utah’s current policy on merging is a “little vague,” the bill’s sponsor told the House Transportation Committee on Wednesday, and leaves drivers confused, susceptible to road rage and prone to three disparate courses of action on congested roadways, said Brammer.

“You’ve got the early merger, who moves over immediately,” he said. “And then there’s someone who speeds to the end of the lane as fast as they can, and then there’s usually some guy in a big pickup truck that decides to defend the vehicular virtue of all other drivers by going in between both lanes and sitting there to make sure that nobody else speeds up to the end.”

Spread the word, because until everyone knows the new rule, that guy in the pickup will still be there, in-between both lanes :slight_smile:


If there are plastic bull testicles hanging on the trailer hitch its not a “good” sign


I just assume they’re dicks and get out of the way.


I followed “that guy” for about 50 miles on the drive on the way back from Rose Bowl. You’re right, not a good sign, and not a good look.

I always assumed the guy’s wife hung them back there and told him he would get them back if he did as he was told.


This is the attitude I dislike. Held mostly by drivers of large pickup trucks or minivans, I believe.

While the zipper method is largely praised by experts, it remains a controversial subject among drivers, who consider the action rude and akin to cutting in line.

Here’s where it becomes an issue.

When everyone is doing the zipper, and it leaves a gap in front, so the one or two people who think they’re special go around 20 cars who zippered and then expect to force their way in.


It never works out the way we think it does…

Just sayin’

I have a rule. I’ll let anyone in, anytime, anywhere.

I don’t recall a time growing up where my mom got angry with any of us or my dad. She has little to no temper. I guess I was blessed with that trait, generally speaking.

I try to keep everything in check, but especially when driving. I do drive a truck however so DNA suggests it’ll all come out sooner or later. :imp:


Just so you know, I have a strong prejudice against truck drivers. Ford F-250 is the worst. I hope you’re driving of those. Those people are aggressive jerks.

Sorry, it’s lifted Ram 2500 & 3500 drivers that are the worst. They don’t understand the laws of physics whatsoever when driving on slippery roads.


Note to self: LA triggered by trucks. If we ever meet in person, park a mile away and meet near the cry closet at the Library — just in case. :rofl:

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FWIW, I use the “Lug Nut Rule” when addressing merges and right of way.

“Outside of bicycles, motorcycles, and pedestrians which I yield for always (I don’t want to create organ donors), if your vehicle has more lug nuts per tire than mine, you get the right of way. If your vehicle is operated on rails, you get the right of way.”

So far it has served me well. In some cases it has pissed off people behind me, but everyone gets home alive and safe.

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This is not going to play well with the “nobody gets in front of me” crowd. Also, with the “the rules don’t apply to me” group.

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Exactly! the point of the zipper is to keep people moving in the maximum number of lanes until the point were the merge is required, NOT where the merge ahead one mile sign appears. Everyone slows as much as necessary to be safe (but no more), and then take turns at the point of the merge.

The zipper method is a nice idea, but it only takes 2 or 3 people who don’t understand, or as @NewbombTurk, says, don’t want to cooperate and it turns into chaos.


I was generalizing, of course. Still, I’ve got my eye on you.


The zipper method in Utah would require a cultural change in a state not known for embracing new cultures.


This I would agree. Those are the guys that try to get their mirrors as close t my head when I’m biking up the canyons


Says the guy who thinks he should get around everyone :wink: