I found this interesting, especially as an official

As an official I’ve run into poor sportsmanship across the board. It’s not as bad in cycling as it has been, but the lack of officials is real. Here in NC we have 3 really active officials, Mrs CCU and I are 2 of them. Pay as a cycling official isn’t too bad, we at least get mileage plus a daily fee.

Now I don’t do it for the pay. I enjoy the sport of cycling, and enjoy being involved. So I wonder, are the same issues brought up in Utah, California, et al?

I may contact the NCHSAA to see what it takes to become a HS official. I feel that sports are a good way to get kids off the streets and hopefully into good productive areas of life.

Forgot to add the link that brought up my question.

Not sure about cycling officials in Utah. That said, we are losing election officials. Haha


Need election officials too.

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