I am going to attempt some container growing of tomatoes for the lovely Mrs Flyer this year

Does anyone have a recommendation for the type of tomato plant that 1) produces well in a pot and 20 produces a flavorable fruit?

Are you looking for cherry tomatoes or sandwich tomatoes?

I am in the same boat and looking for a nice big tomato like a beefsteak or something similar. Any suggestions?

Sandwich type, Thanks!

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The regular beefsteaks can be grown in a 5 gallon pot. Use a small tomato cage to keep the fruit from beating up the plant too much. Make sure the pot is someplace that gets lots of sun and heat. If you get them in and growing now, you may have fruit by the 4th of July.


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Thanks much! The sun and the heat will be easy, Keeping them watered properly will be my challenge

My best tomatoes ever were grown in a bucket, upside down. There are several youtube videos that show the process. I highly recommend it. There are no fancy gadgets needed, you probably have an old 5 gallon bucket hanging around, or a neighbor who won’t notice that his went missing.

If you decide this approach, my best tip is this: The most challenging part is getting the tomato seedling plant through the hole at the bottom of the bucket. The bigger and more spread out your seedling plant is, the more difficult it is to get it started without damaging the plant.

don’t forget to add calcium to the pot. It helps prevent bud end rot. Crushed egg shells work pretty well.

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Great suggestion, thanks

I’m not clear in the advantages but it seem alot more trouble than it is worth. It also seems to work better with smaller tomatoes

From my experience, it actually works better for larger tomatoes. When you grow large tomatoes on the ground, you have to deal with ground rot and branches that get too heavy, causing the plant to turn into a big pile by season’s end if you haven’t spent time training the vines or tying them up on cages or lattice work. Plus, when fall comes and you have a ton of tomatoes on the vine still, and the first big frost is expected soon, you can just take the entire bucket into the garage and enjoy fresh tomatoes for another month, instead of trying to figure out to whom you can pawn off your 70 leftover tomatoes still on the plant.

It also tends to decrease the loss to ground crawling bugs, but the birds can be a bigger problem - easily solved with a little netting stapled around the side of the bucket.

I was reluctant before I first tried it. Now I am a convert.

Thanks, might have to do both this year to give it a try.

Began my first experience of growing the tomatoes upside down. While at it I decided to attempt some strawberries as well.

Thanks again for the suggestion

I’ve picked up a few of these over the past couple of years and have had really good results

City Picker

One thing you might want to consider is using a technique where the plants are grown up strings. Produces more fruit in a reduced area.

You might want to look up the YouTube spot by California garden tv.

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As opposed to tomato cages? I will google the string thing. Thanks

Can u post a photo?
Thanks so much!

We like Russian purple’s

Sorry, no can do. I haven’t done any tomatoes for a few years, and never bothered to take any photos when I did them. There are several youtube videos that show the process, however.

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