How has your day-to-day life changed?

I would love to hear the story of how bad Ostertag left the place. Kind of odd that a rich guy would take such poor care of his property.

My sweetie and I were scheduled to get married mid-June in Jamaica. That is looking completely unlikely. Weā€™re not sure what weā€™re going to do. The date has deep significance for us, and I donā€™t want to wait another year (weā€™ve been engaged for 2 already), so we may end up with a small virtual wedding and then figure it out later.

I work virtually with occasional travel, so the only change there is I donā€™t have to get on a plane, which is nice.

My sweetheart is a full-time student at the greatest University on the planet, and she has been seriously impacted - online only courses for the foreseeable future. Needless to say, we see a lot more of each other (which is a good thing, if youā€™ve ever seen my sweetie).

But mostly I just miss family and friends. Zoom meetings only help so much.


I was already working from home most days in the week and am glad to avoid the hour one-way commute to the office the days I used to go in. The wife does medical interpreting that takes her all over the Wasatch Front and that completely dried up. We spend a lot of time together now and thatā€™s just fine for us. Itā€™s hard to focus on the job because my coworkers arenā€™t focused either and thereā€™s not much interaction, but Iā€™m grateful for a steady paycheck.

The only major change to our lives is that we put our dog down a couple weeks before the pandemic was declared. Weā€™re ready for a new one to fill in the quiet times, but there is such high demand for dogs right now we canā€™t find the right one for less than $2-3k. The good rescues are snatched up right away or have full waiting lists. I recently have seen a couple ā€œrehomeā€ pet classified ads for 10 week-old pets. This means the dog they bought from the breeder two weeks ago turned out to be horrible impulse COVID-19 decisions and they basically want a refund of exactly the amount they spent. This irritates me greatly. I expect a lot of dogs will die as indirect casualties of this mentality.


Apparently a LOT of holes in the wall and just general disrepair. He was renting it from the original owner for a while and left it pretty rough.

Sorry about the loss of your friend/dog

My kids wonā€™t let me out of the house. Iā€™m old and decrepit so they are trying to save me. For what Iā€™m not sure. My youngest daughterā€™s daycare closed when everything shut down, she could only take off 2 weeks to take care of her 20 month old daughter so Iā€™ve been taking care of her. Iā€™ve found out the kid really likes being with grandpa. and grandpa really likes being with the kid.


Weā€™re involved with a rescue here in the Carolinas. While we only foster or transport pets, weā€™re expecting to be busy either way in the near future because of these quarantine pets. We feel for you and putting your dog down recently. We had to euthanize our oldest almost a month ago. That was hard. I still expect to see her in her favorite spots around the house. Many of our routines were disrupted with her death. So many little parts of our days revolved around our old dog, some good, some not so much.

Personally Iā€™d recommend finding a rescue dog. Theyā€™re so grateful, especially once they settle into your home and establish or get used to a routine. You wonā€™t be disappointed.


Long time lurker but had to get in on this.

I work in healthcare as a skilled nursing home administrator at a 126 bed facility in the south Austin area. Life has changed significantly for myself, my family, my employees and most definitely my residents where I currently have just over 100 under our care. 75 or so are long term patients who can no longer visit with their family other than virtually or through the window in their room. My heart breaks as some of them donā€™t understand (canā€™t remember) why they canā€™t physically see their loved ones. Fortunately for us we have been able to keep COVID-19 out of our building (so far, knock on wood). Having policies and procedures change daily is a constant, but staying on top of it has helped keep this at bay. I have employees that are terrified of contracting this and or even working in conditions with COVID-19. Trying to ease their fears can be a challenge. For young certified nurses assistants (CNAā€™s) to come and tell me that they donā€™t make enough money to do this job, breaks my heart. It breaks my heart when a resident who sees what has happened in Italy and now in California where the staff walks out, is scared that the same thing will happen to them.
Iā€™m blessed to have a job at this time. Just over two years ago I had no idea that I would be doing what Iā€™m doing and would be out of a job had I not switched careers. I love caring for the elderly and being a voice for them as many have lost theirs.
My wife has worked from home for many years as a bookkeeper so that has kept her busy and is now playing the role of a teacher to my 12 year old son. I think the hard thing for her is playing the role of both Mom/Teacher/friend to my son. Only having one child makes it hard as he has no one to physically play with other than my wife and I. Fortunately playing video games online and hooking up with his friends has helped fill that void.


Lol. I yelled at my father [75] lightly for going to the stores in early March. At least heā€™s incredibly impatient so we suffered some long Costco lines on his behalf and scored some treasured TP. He is taking care of my nephew which breaks up the day.

You may not be old and decrepit, but projecting on you my father Iā€™d say you probably had a cough for 20 years that could probably take you down with a virus attached to it. Or not, but your kids mean well.

Thank you and @AbsoluteUte . I didnā€™t purge the household but I did hide the bed he used to sit next to me when I just barely started to work from home more to take care of him. He wasnā€™t a great puppy but he made my wife very happy and relaxed and he was loyal. No backyard fence (eff HOAs) and allergies is limiting my foster/rescue selection but I think weā€™re headed that direction anyway sooner or later.

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Lockdown, day 33.



The biggest effect for us is travel. We were in Hawaii for our 50th wedding anniversary when the first rumblings started, and were in California for our granddaughters 18th birthday when they issued the lock down order. We did stay long enough for her birthday and then came home, but weā€™ve already canceled a couple of short trips. We also havenā€™t been able to visit my 90 year old parents as often. On the plus side we are catching up on a lot of little tasks around the house.


The work from home order caught me at our ranch outside Stevensville, Montana. I work for the SF Federal Reserve who issued their work from home order on 3/9 and have been here since.

My days start like this:

Long days monitoring the firm I cover and soon manning the Main Street liquidity program for the 12th district.

When Iā€™m done working, I usually grill a ribeye or a t-bone with a view like this:

If the weather and river conditions permit, Iā€™m usually fishing the Bitterroot:


I know itā€™s a tough life, but someoneā€™s got to do it.


Nothing personal, but we hate you.


My management at the Fed said exactly the same thing. They keep threatening to hold an offsite retreat at my place.

When my son who is stationed in Yuma announced last fall that they were going to have a baby, I checked with my boss if I could up my telecommuting to full time since I was already 3 days a week minimum and move to Yuma to help tend my granddaughter so that she would not have to be in daycare. From where I sit today, it was an inspired plan. Now I have no idea when daycares will be open again, but it doesnā€™t matter because we already have a plan in place. The only downside is that I wanted to be back in SLC by June. Now it looks like I might get to enjoy 110* tempsā€¦

tl;dr - no real changes other than I get to hang with my baby granddaughter every day in Yuma


Saturday was slow fishing, but Sunday was good with a nice March Brown emerger hatch under cloudy skies.
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My life has not changed in the past week. However, it appears from my unscientific observation of traffic on the freeways and surface streets that there is a lot more activity then there was a week ago. I donā€™t know where all these people are going. Nothing has changed in California. Maybe they used all their pot over the weekend and are headed to the dispensary.


I used to go into the office 2-3 times per week, but have been working from home since early March. I miss going in. I work for a health organization and weā€™ve had 14 employees die of COVID-19 so far (10 of those were front line workers in Seattle, NY, NJ and Brazil), very sad and sobering!

Its just me and my wife at home. About 10 years into our marriage my wife started having some serious health issues. She had a double lung transplant a few years ago. Needless to say, we are hunkering down. We have a daughter who is a sophomore studying physics at the U. My wife and I were both on the 6-7 year B.S. plan struggling to make it through the U back in the day, so Iā€™m not sure whoā€™s kid we birthed? :grinning:

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