Wonderful news. Such generous support
too bad we couldn’t have kept the U golf course
Yes! It really is a shame the golf course is gone. I grew up in the Avenues and my wife grew up in Federal Heights.
We both learned to play golf there when we were in high school in the 70’s, from Vinnie McGuire (UTAH GOLF JUST WONT'T BE THE SAME WITHOUT VINNIE MCGUIRE, TEACHER – Deseret News).
A few years later, I worked briefly in the motion picture distribution business with a bunch of old film industry guys, who played golf constantly. They often spoke of the old Fort Douglas Country Club course, which by then had been cut down to the nine hole University course. Decades earlier as an 18 hole course, it had been their favorite course in the state. I was told there was a PGA event played there at one time (never been able to find any record of this - but I would not doubt it.).
My son learned to play golf there in the 90’s, and while it was smaller and short, and perhaps then only 8 holes, it was still close to home and easy to walk on most of the time.
It was a great old course!
EDIT - turns out it was a regular PGA tour stop for a while - U. OF UTAH COURSE HAS ENDURED CHANGES<BR> – Deseret News
Further EDIT: including some historical photos - these are 81 years ago, so it does look quite different.
I remember a particularly brutal chemistry exam and walking out and my study buddy said “Let’s go play nine holes”
I think it was $5 with club rental. Fun!
Decades ago, the Utah Open, part of the PGA tour, was played on the Univ. of Utah course. Ben Hogan and other great legends played there. Over time, the 18 holes became 9 holes, then a shortened (mostly par 4) course, before falling victim to the need for more buildings/parking.
So excited to see this new course that won’t allow a commoner like me on it.
During the Utah Open, Ben Hogan 4-putted a green located approximately under the Eccles Legacy Bridge.
Poor form.
I loved that golf course!
That’s crazy stupid money that is being thrown around for one purpose - reputation washing the Saudis.
Rory’s agent has since come out and stated that the City A.M. story is fake news. Rory doesn’t need the money, he is more of a golf traditions kind of guy that the PGA offers. I don’t see why he would jump to LIV.