Fiddler's Elbow - new ownership?

I’ve been out of town most of the fall and have not been out to a sports bar for a Ute game yet. Was planning to go to Fiddler’s Elbow (about the only sports bar I ever patronize) for the upcoming Arizona game, and someone mentioned it is under new ownership and quite different (I think the old restaurant half, Salt Lake Pizza and Pasta, is now run under the name Fiddler’s Elbow, with a new menu, and the back sports bar half of the establishment is still a sports bar, with new menu and new name).

Anyone have any experience with the new setup?

Yes, the area that was once known as Fiddler’s Elbow is now “The Locker Room”. Not sure I like the change.

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I wouldn’t mind some of the food updating but sad if it is no longer Fiddlers Elbow. Watched many a game there and used to enjoy the Brunch.

That’s unfortunately been the consensus of the few people I’ve heard from. :frowning:

Likewise, watched countless games there for years… I’m thinking I’ll check it out for myself for the AZ game, and hope it’s still something like the old place.


It appears like it’s now “Salt Lake’s only gay sports bar” and they have a “drag brunch” tailgate every saturday.

But is the food any good? Is it still sharing the kitchen with SL Pizza & Pasta?

$25 all you can eat brunch buffet, so not a terrible price. Not sure about quality but i’m sure they’re sharing the kitchen.

Salt Lake Pizza and Pasta, is no more. Apparently the two establishments, one a sports bar, one a restaurant, still share a kitchen, but both have new menus - or so I hear.

I’m not gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but on home game days, I’ll be at the tailgate lot, on away game days, I’ll be fixing my wife and a few friends our own tailgate repast, so I’ll pass on the drag brunch. I’m more interested in what the game time meals and game viewing are like.

Fiddler’s Elbow, has for decades been a sports bar with decent food, that turned into a Ute Party on football game days (and when were were doing that, on NCAA BB tournament days). The big TV and most of the smaller ones were always showing the Ute game, many/most of the patrons were watching and usually cheering loudly for the Utes, and no one in there right mind would show up in BYU gear.

I’ll check it out this weekend. Hopefully none of that has changed.


This reminds me of a bar the band I used to be in (although we may have a reunion) played a couple of times 10 or so years ago - The Paper Moon. It had a lesbian sports bar sort of theme, and was horribly run. A great candidate for Bar Rescue. When we’d play there probably 75% of the people in it were our buddies, and even then once the owner didn’t make enough that night to pay us, and we worked cheap. The other thing that there hasn’t been enough brain bleach to remove is when the owner streaked the dance floor late one of the nights we were there. Shutter.


The new club at Rice Eccles may be an option. Yes there is the one-time fee, but it might be a better away game atmosphere than a place under new management.

Just a thought.

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Does it come complete with that good old locker room smell? I guess most seedy bars come with that smell, so probably yes.


I’m sure that got all the lesbians revved up.

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Trouble was that consisted of the three employees and maybe five patrons. I think there were around 25 or 30 of our hetero friends there that night IIRC. We did have a really nice poster of the band from that gig. I still have one that we all signed. It’s worth 25 cents on eBay. :joy: