Dwade becomes a partial jazz owner

Just calling out bigotry when I see it. Even when it’s against something as inconsequential as Jazz fandom I feel I must remain vigilant. If I allow you bigots to attack Jazz fans, who will your next target be.
First They Came, right?

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Did you just claim “Reverse racism.”


As a caucasian you should know no se puede, hombre.


Well this is going about as well I could have expected. /sarcasm


Back to the OP.

I think it’s a huge get. Allegedly the Heat are saying he was given an option to buy in. Not sure if he’s getting more of a share in this deal or is being tabbed to help with executive decisions. The massive black eye that Utah fans have amongst NBA players will be somewhat tampered down with DWade in the office.

Also, his wife is pretty great to look at so I would get her courtside ASAP.

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Racism against white people is not reverse racism it’s just racism. Reverse racism would be when racism is not used at all. I’m anti racist, so yes I am using reverse racism and I won’t play along with you trying to redefine established words. Racism against any race is wrong, whatever the complexion.

I will say you’re hitting all the clichés and high notes of a fake ass social warrior. Your type of tactics set the movement back more than the KKK ever could.

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OK, Tucker. We’ve moved on.


“Back to the op”, for a second then I will return to my bigoted comments towards Jazz fans, and while I’m at it I might as well objectify Gabrielle Union while I pretend to be woke.

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wow, woke and original, impressive.

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BWHAHAHA. My guy, you’re telling on yourself the more you type.

Wait, is there an alternate universe where there are oppressed Jazz fans. I mean other than by a poorly run team. Yes, I do love to objectify beautiful women, sue me.

Edit: Let’s stop derailing this. I obviously believe racism is an issue and you believe calling racism out is in itself “racism.” We’re not going to agree.

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I wanted to have a respectful conversation with you but I can’t navigate your contradictions and hypocrisy. Think of me what you will but at least I’m not full of ■■■■. I do regret turning to sarcasm, I realize now it was uncalled for but I felt I had no choice at the moment. In fact I so regret it I’m going to leave it up so I have to deal with the shame. You sure showed me, I dub you Sir Social Justice. Enjoy your titties and white guilt.

Go Jazz!

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“Titties and White Guilt”


I don’t understand this reference. Care to explain in your own words or is some weird gif the depth of your communicative abilities?

Well, this thread turned to ■■■■ in a hurry. Probably about time to shut it down. This bickering is getting us a lot of places.


Called it.


It’s over.

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