D-I College football thread, non-Utah edition





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That class action case he was talking about :eyes:


If they don’t get that settled somewhere in the land of reality, it could all come to an immediate end. The max filed for wouldn’t just bankrupt the NCAA and the P5, it would take some large universities down too.

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Among my top 5 favorite movies EVER

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It doesn’t hit my top 100, but it’s a fun one.


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NIL is not going away. The restrictions were patently illegal and abusive to these adult athletes.

It does not matter who Messi, or Mahomes, or whomever is signed with or what salary cap their prospective leagues have in place. Coke, Ford, or Qualtrics, or any individual can pay whomever they want for what ever price they like. The big stars make more from endorsements than they do from their clubs- and it has always been that way.

Revenue sharing is very interesting but nearly all university athletic departments lose money. Most of them lose a lot of money. How do you share in a net loss?

Perhaps you could share in the coach’s salary- that is the only real area of profit. Do university coaches need to make 10m/yr? I would say no.

Otherwise the money goes to pay for the unprofitable sports- which is everything other than perhaps mens basketball for some athletic departments. If you want revenue sharing, you need profit, and that means cutting sports. Get rid of Softball, baseball, volleyball, swimming, soccer, women’s basketball, and gymnastics for most universities and you will have some profit to share with the football players.

That gets ugly pretty fast. Perhaps they can sort out a way to play these sports without spending so much money so that there would be some revenue left over. That would require a major overhaul with a focus on austerity, which is something we don’t do well as a culture. I won’t hold my breath.


The Josh Pate video is thought provoking.

Essentially, P4 is being sued under anti-trust for past NIL monies, for what may end up being settled at $1B or so.

Resulting from that, the big boys go to Congress to get anti-trust restored. (Without anti-trust, the lawsuits would just keep coming.) If that happens, it enters the actual political arena.

Nothing will get through Congress without fairly widespread geographical support.

Just as he talks about revenue sharing within conferences - trickling down to players - to maintain interesting inventories of games to watch, if all this goes to Congress there may need to be a grand bargain to expand the super-tier leagues and grant anti-trust (which trickles down to G5, etc).

The SEC has a near monopoly on the SE reaching into Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas, the B1G has the north, midwest, northeast and reaches out to the left coast.

To get through Congress, the super-tier geographic footprint needs to fill in the interior west. Too many Senators from lower populated states to ignore. Now, adding Wyoming, S. Dakota, N. Dakota & Idaho may be a bridge too far, but including AZ, Colorado and Utah to the P2 level might be required to get enough political support.

Utah was never going to have the biggest market in the PAC, but we did a great job of providing compelling competition. Could Utah be a smaller-market team at the P2 level?

Why not?

(Fortunately, basketball is not in the drivers seat on these discussions.)


Given the current state of NIL/portal, this will not be the reality moving forward. Athletics programs, like the one at Utah, without the ability to entice significant high level talent will fade. Their athletic product will change into something much less compelling.

This is one of lessons of the PAC era: Utah consistently overperformed relative to recruiting rankings. Canzano did a little story on it a couple of years ago - “Now that Utah is getting a better talent, what does that portend for the conference blue bloods, who struggled vs the Utes when they had less talent?”.

Oregon State picked up on our model… then got demolished & left behind because of what happened.

Are we going to produce NIL funding to compete with the P2 teams right now? Of course, not. Unpossible. Will there be a move to redirect TV money more directly into the program in the form of player salaries? Sounds like it may be closer than people think.

Maybe a base salary situation could actually bring some sanity back on the NIL front, overall.

Within a team, you’ll never have equality, because that doesn’t exist. But maybe a base salary reduces the sting of some of the inequalities that NIL introduces to team chemistry.

(Last year, we had a weird situation where two NIL players were out the entire season, and eventually they chose new captains on offense, because how can you have guys making big $$ who aren’t even playing, while other guys on just on scholarship, with a leased Dodge truck, granted?)

If Utah got into a P2 situation, based on NIL we’re not competing for the elite players, the CJ Strouds or Marvin Harrison, Jrs… but we never were in the PAC, either. We had a few quid-pro-quo players like Jaylon Johnson and Clark Phillips, but mostly it was the same blue-collar culture that brought us guys like Gabe Reid, Rising, JaQuinden Jackson, etc.

But if the league is doing revenue sharing, we can compete on base salary, and with the right kind of players that fit our culture, we’re a competitive team. Add in some NIL for the right players, and things are competitive, the Utah football way.


I respect the positivity. However, reasonably decent competition is not compelling competition.

Let me amend that to simply “competition”.

Can Utah continue to follow the Oregon model to developing a nationwide fanbase? Just stay in the conversation, make the best of the current situation, keep building the brand.

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Even if there is an aggressive salary cap, the small market teams are at a disadvantage because of endorsement money. Look at the NBA and the Jazz. Jazz have the same salary structure as everyone else but can’t attract elite free agents.

Such is life. Being a fan can still be fun.

If they sort out some type of significant revenue sharing or employment salary, there is a strong chance that this will be accompanied by a commitment for more than one year. Everyone from fans to coaches hates the team hopping. My guess is that if you sign and take a scholy/salary then you will be committed to that team for 3 years. Free agency, so to speak, would be for seniors. This would put Utah in a good position as they could continue developing raw talent into solid football players. Utah could continue competing under this set of rules.

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WOW!!! I can agree religion doesn’t need the money, but football?

Why not take the 10% and invest it in themselves via an IRA or 401K?

If they have that money actually available, and unfortunately too many who would do this really don’t have it.


Please give to the Starving Football Players Fund…if you don’t, who will?


Think of the (300 pound) children! It’s practically a charity, right?


Well, if those players aren’t good enough to play for those money-making B1G/SEC employers, then perhaps they don’t deserve to earn anything. :slight_smile:

“Employers” that can’t generate any operating profit shouldn’t exist. haha