Chip Kelly is the new offensive coordinator at…Ohio State? Weird.
Yeah, definitely odd. It seems he really wanted out of UCLA. Just how bad are things at UCLA to want to leave for, what is essentially a demotion?
Now, how many players from UCLA will want to bail on them for, maybe us?
Chip has fancied himself as a fortune teller, lately.
The Tarot cards for UCLA’s head coach must have looked “troubling”.
Maybe he didn’t want to get rolled at mid season, as it was likely to happen. The bRuins are set to be a doormat in the B1G, and that is not going to change anytime soon.
Chipper signed a two year extension last March, made $6.1M last year.
The transfer portal will open again for UCLA players for 30 days following Kelly’s departure, but with the timing of the opening both the school and the players could be faced with limited options.
@Ma-ake, you know the bRuins don’t like being upstaged by the team across town.
They got to fire a coach getting off the plane from a road game loss. They wanted to do the same for Chip. He just beat them to the punch, and gets to punch them next season.
Maybe he’s hoping to be next in line if Ryan Day is canned after this year.
Well sure but it was Texas Tech, so…
Joking aside though: blissfully shunning all logic while denying basic, verifiable scientific facts raises some serious character questions for me. I don’t care what his 40 time is.
(I do acknowledge I would not last a day as a NFL GM…)
I know a girl who thinks the earth is flat. She’s probably even dumber than this guy. These days, in part enabled by social media, people can just make up their own “facts”. There is no reason.
That all stems from people thinking their opinion is as valid as experts in any given field.
“Facts” or “my truth”? There is the Truth, and the Facts or a Fact, and those are immutable. You’re view of said Truth or Fact or Facts is very mutable. Damn idiocy seems to be a continuing problem. It’s almost as if:
Or maybe for some of our brightest out there:
As an old friend used to say, “Not all opinions are created equal”.
Patton Oswalt said that you have to acknowledge peoples beliefs, but you don’t have to respect them. “I acknowledge that you believe that. That is literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard”.
This all kind of reminds me of a friend I used to have who would read up on vaccines online to determine which ones his daughter would get. He also thought the world was going to end in 2012. One of those “my truth” people. Needless to say, we are no longer friends.
People have always thought crazy things, but they either eventually learned more and grew out of it, or ranted to themselves on street corners while everyone ignored them.
Nowadays, people who hold any ridiculous belief (“the world is flat!”, “birds are government spies!”, “chemtrails are controlling the populace!”) can find thousands of other people who all believe the same thing in 30 seconds, and fall down a hole of confirmation bias so deep they can never crawl out. There will always be “evidence” (and I use that term as loosely as possible here) that - if twisted, contorted, and viewed from just the right angle - they will consider irrefutable proof positive that their crackpot theory is valid.
We have all the collective information in the world at our fingertips, but are dumber than ever. It’s the curse of the internet.
Any predictions on which NFL team will draft him?
Keep in mind that there is a very good chance that this is a simulation.
It’s all about what aboutism most famously generated by the Soviets in the 50’s to now. Just making up alternitve facts to ever actual fact is a time tested way; not to nescessarily win an argument, but even better, to perpetuate an argument. We never landed on the moon (because they couldn’t), 911 was an inside job. Vaccine hysteria, mask non-compliance. All polititcians arecrooks, etc…Just keep that shyte out there. Divide and conquer.
Also I meet fewer and fewer people who actually read anymore. There’s so many distractions; over 500 channels on TV, the internet, gamming, etc…
When I was a child, there were only 3 channells and they went off at midnight. We got a the Boston Globe in the morning and the local paper at night. The local paper actually had career reporters who wrote byline stories. Nowe the local papers are stuffed with the same AP stories. Very few editorials. Major loss of an informed educated and motivated citizenry. There are a lot of misinformed, ignorant and agrieved people out there who refuse to increase their own knowledge and awareness of historical motivation.
I’m always speechless when people say casually “I don’t read” like it’s a badge of honor for them.
I just chalk it up as another sign of the apocalypse…the fifth horseman Willful Ignorance.
I disagree.
People of the modern generation do not use the written word for entertainment, edification, or learning. They simply have other forms of media to perform these activities. This generation is far, far less willfully ignorant than my own.