COVID-19 Discussion (No Politics)


Our company made the pre-pandemic decision to cut to the bone and run as lean as possible. It’s created nothing but problems since, doubly so as people have had to sit out days and weeks with COVID.


Cases in point at our old stomping ground: 1) our old buddy in scheduling Roger told me at the CCG he’d told them he will retire this coming March about 9 months ago. They have made no moves to find a replacement. 2) I brought up for 5 years that they needed to have me help train proposal people by actually giving them the responsibility and having me review the work and mentor them through the process. Never happened. The excuse was always they couldn’t afford it, so since I’d work more quickly I did a bunch of them. Don’t know or care how they deal with it now.


That’s pretty much how I feel now. I used to feel bad for the people left behind, but now most of those are gone too. I really don’t know how they run proposals and budgets anymore.


I had been begging management since 2019 to have coordinators train with me so they have the experience of working in a field office, especially as I need a back up whenever I’m off. Fast forward to January 13th, 2022 when I had hip replacement surgery. Last I heard they are tapping at least 5 people to take care of all of my stuff. I was very clear about not wanting any calls about the ■■■■ show. I really don’t want to know how bad it is.

When someone is off for Covid, the wheels spin even slower.

I really used to care.


So all of you folks adding to this thread are saying some of the bottlenecks in human resources are self made errors. No, we need to blame this administration for this. Don’t you think that would be better?


Well played.

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Y’all are losing your touch. This is how it’s done.


The end seems nearer, but we’re not there yet.

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Finally, the merger of the “What are you listening to right now?” and “COVID-19 Discussion” threads that I have been dreaming about has arrived!


just in time for


I found out late yesterday that a long-time co-worker at the rocket ranches passed away from COVID on Tuesday. That’s what I recall is the third former co-worker plus another one’s wife who have been killed by this thing. It’s really not in the abstract, is it? I would imagine any of us knows someone who’s died from it, and it isn’t done with us yet.


So fun. What constitutes a new variant vs. a subvariant eludes me, but the Omicron variant how has at least 3 subtypes, all which are being referred to as ‘stealth omicron’. Oh boy.

  • WHO says BA.2 has 32 mutations in common with BA.1 (OG Omicron)
  • There is a BA.3 as well
  • Denmark, UK, Singapore, and India have all seen cases of BA.2 and BA.3 subvariants

For the most part, they are saying this will likely delay or extend the peaks in some areas.

Here is what I’ve been tracking as far as variant spread. Looks like they call BA.2 ‘21L Omicron’ (look at Denmark). If it’s spreading more, must be more contagious. OG Omicron had an R value of 7 (like mumps). “Can we get 8? 10-12 (measles)?” said the auctioneer.

And this tidbit:

Anders Fomsgaard, researcher at Statens Serum Institut (SSI), said he did not yet have a good explanation for the rapid growth of the sub-lineage, adding he was puzzled, but not worried.

“It may be that it is more resistant to the immunity in the population, which allows it to infect more. We do not know yet,” he told broadcaster TV 2, adding that there was a possibility that people infected with BA.1 might not be immune from then catching BA.2 soon after.

“It is a possibility,” he said. “In that case, we must be prepared for it. And then, in fact, we might see two peaks of this epidemic.”

No one knows too much yet. So, with vaccine and even having Omicron, is there super-immunity? Or not? The more we learn, the more we recognize we don’t know.

No one knows too much yet. So, with vaccine and even having Omicron, is there super-immunity? Or not? The more we learn, the more we recognize we don’t know.

According to the Anti’s, we should know everything RIGHT NOW, otherwise, it’s a scam.


“The Science is settled” - said no scientist ever


Are we talking Facebook science, or something a little more sciency?


Relativity is only a “theory”…


So are the UDOH numbers regarding COVID. Per the Tribune this afternoon, UDOH has been undercounting hospitalization to COVID, and based on limited testing, infection rates are also undercounted.

Almost 50 percent of tests - positive…but things are getting better.

Seeing what is being reported, I have some serious doubts.

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Remember when 5% was the goal and panic started to set in at 8, 9, and oh my! 10%? And this includes regular testing of healthcare professionals and some essential workers. So those that are testing because they have symptoms must be a really high percentage. And some are negative because the test is too early. Not to mention those unreported home tests or assumption of infection when one family member tests positive and others develop symptoms right after.

Don’t worry, it’s peaking out east and will work it’s way out west after there are no more hosts to infect. Just remember, there are more deaths on the way down from Everest than on the way up (or so they say).