Colorado likely jumping to B12

I agree about academics. I’m sure those Nobel prizes will pay all our bills.

I liked the Buffs as a newer rival and they’re academic program is exceptional.
I could not care less about either rivalry.
Joining the PAC-10 was an academic and economic win. Let’s keep our eyes on the ball.
Let’s continue to excel because that’s what we do.


And it’s done.

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The research money we’ve gotten as a result of Pac-12 membership has far outweighed the shared media revenue. That wouldn’t necessarily be the case in a non research-oriented conference.


Nor would it necessarily be mutually beneficent and reciprical for our community, nation and world.
I would be hesitant to leave the PAC for money:That would seem hubristic and short-sighted. Rather keep winning a bunch of championsips, in multiple sports, while contributing to and collaborating with remarkable, world class institutions of learning and research.

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Why not Cal and Stanford?

Go back to cougarbored you fraud.


Not so fast…

“Colorado chancellor Phil DiStefano went on the record, saying that his school is committed to the conference and has no plans to make any moves of any kind.”

I’m in the camp that believes the 10 schools would like to keep the PAC intact as long as the new TV deal makes financial sense. If the money isn’t there, it could quickly shift to a landscape of every man for himself.


That story is from April

Wait… Y’all are losing a 48-94 in Pac 12 history team? For perspective Vanderbilt had 10 more wins in that stretch playing in the SEC.


All Colorado has done in the PAC 12 was get their heads kicked in and smoke a lot of weed. They had one good season…one. Kind of like they had a good period when Mike McCarthy was coaching them; otherwise they have sucked. It was fun having a guaranteed win on the roster to end the season, and Boulder is a fun town, but it’s hard to get to bent out of shape over their bolting back to their little conference on the prairie. Remember, they left that place before.


Big Daddy Ute? lol - Who talks like that, anymore? Are you stuck on re-runs of Smokey and the Bandit?

“shiznit”? Does your mom know you’re posting so late?

May be time to duck out of the troll storm, for a bit.


This has nothing to do with losing Colorado. No one gives a crap about CU. The only thing they’ve brought to the conference athletically has been the Coach Prime hire, and I’m firmly on record expecting that will end as a flaming train wreck. It could be argued that replacing CU with someone like SDSU would actually be a significant upgrade.

The issue is the message this sends for the P12 as a whole. Instead of 10 unified schools looking forward to a competitive new media deal that will benefit it’s member institutions, you have schools bolting at the very first opportunity. I guarantee you that the first call Oregon and Washington are making this morning is to literally beg the B1G for inclusion so they can get away from this clusterf*ck. CU’s exit makes it look like every man for himself.

And here’s the part that none of us with red goggles want to hear. I fear that Utah is in a very precarious position right now. At this exact moment, our athletic profile is arguably as high as it has ever been. But if some combination of the OR/WA/Cali/AZ schools leave (which I’d put at about 50/50), then I think there is a very good chance that Utah ends up without a P5 home. The B1G doesn’t appear to be interested and the B12 already “has” the Utah market with BYU, so…then what? What’s the next option? Utah has a great brand and a great reputation, but that doesn’t mean anything if we don’t bring the eyeballs and the $$ that the conference accountants want to see. We’ve got a solid fan base, but let’s not kid ourselves here. We’re not Michigan or Ohio State that brings a huge national following that conferences are clamoring to get. Utah would be a good addition from a competitiveness standpoint, but are probably middle-of-the-road when it comes to the revenue we would actually bring to the table.

This all means that I think Utah could very easily get left without a chair when the music stops, regardless of all the success we’ve had. And if that happens, I worry that slipping back to a G5 equivalent would be a very real possibility. I’m hoping it doesn’t, but I don’t think that’s outside the realm of possibility here.


That is my worry as well. I’m not a fan of knee jerk reactions, but the B12 is looking better all the time. Too bad for the B12 that they pulled a knee jerk reaction themselves by immediately running out and inviting those 4 schools. They could stood pat and got the 4 corners schools.

I doubt it. Losing CU, SC, and UCLA has you losing one conference title champ since CU’s entry into the Pac 12. The first call will be to ACC/American and other schools to join a conference that has retained it’s best teams.

Chicken little ■■■ fanbase. Lol


You continue to be under the assumption that these conference moves have anything to do with success of the teams or the number of conference titles they have won.

I highly, highly doubt that the number of titles factors into the equation to switch conferences whatsoever. It’s potential eyeballs and money…full stop.

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Good riddance, Colorado didn’t bring much and neon deon can enjoy byu for an ego contest.
Seriously though, Utah has proven itself and there is no reason to worry or panic. Our record stands and we have proved ourselves as the BCS grave yard for a reason. All we can do is just win, and make them pay.


And this matters when conferences are considering expansion candidates…how?

Here’s an example. We know that a couple of the expansion targets for the B12 have been Arizona and Cal (they’ve come up in all the reports). Utah fans have scratched our collective heads at that because neither of those teams have been worth a crap in football forever. Why would they want them? It’s because Arizona and Cal bring new markets and potential revenue that the B12 doesn’t already have. Colorado was added solely for this reason and certainly not for their success on the field.

Football success != potential revenue. And revenue is literally the only thing that matters in this new world of college football, whether we like it or not.


One of the many problems with the Big12, athletics wise, is that they watered down their conference with a whole bunch of G5s. They’ve already sealed their fate in that regard.

They’ll continue to be a good basketball conference, I’ll give em that.

TV cares about if the team is good and will get eyeballs. There is a reason we bury Vanderbilt on the SEC Network. The SEC is not getting the SEC TV dollars because of the massive eyeballs in the Starkville, Tuscaloosa and Oxford markets. lol

I do find the doom and gloom from the Ute fanbase crazy. There is nothing but respect nationwide for your program. Y’all are going to be fine. Why? Not because of Salt Lake market but the product on the field.

I like you but you are having it both ways. You say product doesn’t matter but then say it’s about eyeballs. Are you under the impression it’s about TV Markets and their size?