I am a medical and science writer, and I write frequently about cancer. I wrote an article today about a study out of the University of Utah that shows drinking coffee reduces the risk of head and neck cancer. Kind of ironic that it’s from Utah.
Now we watch for a study on the health benefits of Postum.
That stuff is nasty!
The same goes for Pero.
Like many other forbidden drinks, one needs to develop a taste for Postum. (I haven’t had any since I was a kid.)
My grandpa used to drink Postum every morning. SO nasty, smelled good though.
My parents had it for the Mormons who visited in the mornings. My parent had MJ B and Folgers for their drinking.
The best part of waking up is having anything but Folgers in your cup.
Yes I’m a coffee snob.
You’re supposed to cut them half and half with Mexican espresso powder. There are like 2 varieties sold at Smith’s
Which is why I have Starbucks Holiday Blend and Sumatra Blend.
My wife and daughter drink Caramel Macchiato and Cafe Verona.
We are the lazy K Cup snobs.
Wow. I haven’t of MJB in decades. Anyone know (w/o googling) what it stood for? C&H stood for California and Hawaii, not cocaine and heroin
I absolutely LOVE the smell of coffee, but can’t stand the taste. Blech.
Definitely better for my wallet to get a fix just by inhaling while walking by a Starbucks instead of having to go in and buy something.
Never got addicted to coffee. Didn’t like the taste.
My recollection is that like many other beverages (hot cocoa or coffee, e.g.) with plenty of sugar and milk to disguise the bitterness, it was just fine.
That’s what I recall as well, lots of sugar and whole milk or cream. My mother and Maternal Grandmother both drank it on cold mornings. Tried it once and never made that mistake again.
I got addicted to expresso, one or sometimes two shots, from an airport Starbucks, immediately following deplaning from a redeye flight from SLC → Miami (via NY) every Monday morning for the better part of a decade late in my career. It was the only way I could function on so little sleep.
When I retired, I swore off of redeye flights, but still have 1 cup caffeine addiction. I have my own espresso machine, so I only have to pay for the beans - much cheaper than Starbucks.
A lot of people would argue it tatstes no better than Postum or Pero, I don’t know, I have not had the non-caffeine drinks since I was a kid, but there is nothing that beats the smell of a good strong espresso