BYU fans and apparently Volleyball team are vile

“They” as in the student body at BYU, or BYU officials? The students are overgrown children, and the officials have proven weak in the past.


I cannot read any more about this…raises my blood pressure too much. I inevitably wind up reading the comments and twitter replies. The BYU social media mob and apologists are out in full force, and it makes me want to punch a hole in the drywall…and I don’t want to spend the next week patching drywall.


despite talk after talk about racism and equality from LDS leaders, it still is a troubling problem. Its time to up the ante somehow.


Rescind invite to Big XII could be a good start.


If that happened I wouldn’t mind joining the Big 12


LOL. My guy this isn’t it. When you avoid saying the words “racist” or “racism” after a racist incident, you’re more concerned with sparing white feelings than making amends to the young Black woman targeted. This University is falling over itself to make sure they keep the racists from being upset or uncomfortable at all costs. Also, “If you knew her you would love her” is a weird line. Makes it sound like the treatment is acceptable for a less than love’s level person.


That jumped out to me as a really weird line as well.

Even if someone is a total jerk, it’s still never OK to throw racial slurs at them.


So, it’s Holmoe being Holmoe. Did Duke give him a courtesy call prior to? To say the least, this isn’t saying much good about BYU and its policies.


The silver lining is nobody wants to be known as a racist. That’s good.

A lot of folks who probably have never really considered alternative POVs earnestly think racism is all done & wrapped up, goners, over.

They get enamored with the mindset “it’s all over, let’s stop talking about it”, and if an accusation comes toward them in any way, shape or form, they go ballistic. "I am not the Klan! !"

That’s a lousy place to be if the next step is honestly examining subliminal or systemic aspects to the problem. Essentially they get left behind in the conversation, and end up looking like a bunch of backward, ignorant dolts.


racism, sexism, homophia, etc. all seem to stem from a lack of individual humility. Gaining humility is a lifetime process that none of us will ever master, but hopefully get better at with time and with experience. The times in my life when I’ve had the most peace and can view others with less judgement is typically shortly after I’ve experienced some personal setback. I wish I were naturally more humble and didnt need the setbacks in order to be more humble.

This weekend I encountered a couple of transgender individuals. Its not often we cross paths in my shuttered world. Sadly, my initial brief reaction was one of discomfort, but that was quickly replaced with a sense of, this is a you problem, you need to be more open and accepting. The discomfort you feel is because of your own misconceptions and quick judgement. We’re all at different points on this path to understanding and acceptance of others. Hopefully each day we are a little closer to becoming our best selves and leaving this harmful baggage behind.


Looking like???

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Sadly there are still a lot of people who aren’t ashamed of being racist.


True. I wonder what percentage of the population falls into this category? 5 percent? 10 percent? More, like 20%? I don’t think it’s that high. One thing’s for sure, racism is pretty out of style, so the actual, conscientiously affirmative racists have an incentive to hide, at least publicly.

There’s a category of folks who are biased but don’t realize it. Many people are open to exploring their own implicit biases, but there’s a large section of the country who actively discourage and dampen any effort to do so. “Don’t feed the Dems’ appetite to label us all!

I know there’s a large group of people who may not be racist and are genuinely stunned to hear the real stories. Then human nature kicks in, and it’s just a lot more pleasant day to not think about it, move on to finishing the grocery list, or whatever. “Can’t we all just get along?” and that’s it.

Out of 5500 people in attendance at that volleyball match, I’d like to believe there’s at least a few hundred who will open to learning a thing or two. Most people are far more comfortable thinking about other stuff. That’s human nature… until something hits you in the face, then it becomes a big deal.


Completely understand this situation. I misgendered someone. I apologized and the guy with me said “why did you apologize, that is clearly a woman trying to be a man.” As I told him, “It’s just respectful to allow people to be recognized or called whatever they want. I allow you to call yourself “part Cherokee” when I’ve done your genealogy and you clearly come from zero Native people.”

He shut up after that.


I tend to think that “out and proud” racists are fairly rare. Unfortunately, they’re also disproportionately loud.

I think the “I’m not a racist, but…” crowd is much more prevalent and feels greatly empowered in the current environment.




It’s interesting that you bring up the % of racists. I’m not sure. In the 10 years that we’ve lived here, I’ve only heard 1x maybe 2x casual racism from white to black. I’ve heard considerably more the other direction. When I’ve asked about it, has stemmed mostly from lack of interaction and therefore knowing the “other.” IMO it has been interesting to see how getting to know others, regardless of gender, race, religion, whatever helps clear up misconceptions. I think @SkinyUte my have said it well:

I don’t think that there are many “out and proud” racists, at least not anymore. I think he’s correct in the “I’m not a racist, but…” crowd.

Personally I think racism, in whatever shade it comes in, is a waste of time an energy. Having lived in multiple areas of the US, people are people. Areas may have quirks, but on the whole people are good to each other.


Seems like the Big12 isn’t to thrilled with them. Lol


It would be interesting if their boorish behavior didn’t come up as a topic at a conference meeting…soon.


Gosh, if only there was a way to learn theories about race…