2024-5 cfp

Never too early to start talking about the CFP in maybe the last good season before this all blows up …

Question. With conference champions (most likely P4) getting a bye in the 1st round into the QF, do we know if the conferences are basically ‘slotted’ into the QF bowls. For example, B1G to Rose, Big 12 to Fiesta, SEC and ACC in Peach/Sugar (maybe that depends on the team).

I’m just wondering the likelihood that tthe Big 12 champion goes to the Fiesta. I would guess probably 90% since B1G has historical ties to the Rose? Depending on who makes it, maybe they put someone like Texas or OU in the Fiesta and the Big 12 in the Sugar (like if it were UCF). Or maybe put the Big 12 in Rose if Fiesta went to some less traditional B1G team (I would say 99% Rose if it were an LA school or OU/UW).

Thoughts? Kind of thinking of booking placeholder plans to Dallas and Phoenix.

As I understand it, yes, for the first two years this is the case. The original CFP was scheduled through 2025-26, which includes traditional bowl matchups (i.e. B1G/PAC12 - Rose Bowl). Even though the CFP expanded, the TV contracts tied to conferences were already in effect, and the CFP has to try to keep those agreements. So for example, even if Georgia wins the SEC and is the #1 seed, though they would much rather play in the nearby Peach Bowl, they will be forced to play in Sugar Bowl due to SEC obligations.

So, as you mentioned for 2024-25, the likely order is SEC to Sugar, B1G to Rose. ACC would be to Orange, but that is a semifinal in 2024-25, so you would think Peach would be their slot. Big 12 gets tricky. Traditionally Big 12 champ goes to Sugar, but that would not fit with bracket. So likely a shuffle to Fiesta, as Cotton is also a semifinal in 2024-25.

However, after the 25-26 season and these contracts expire things will change. Likely similar to March Madness where the #1 seed gets closest region, then #2 and so forth.


I, for one, am pleased to see the end of the D-IA bowl system.

I appreciate the idea of creating regional, semi-neutral sites for these contests. However, I think the more interesting model would be campus site matchups hosted by the higher seeded/ranked teams, as is the case for D-IAA, D-II, D-III, and NAIA.

Playoff sites would then be determined by on-the-field, regular season play, rewarding successful programs with additional home games.

Mark it - the CFB Payoffs will be moving to NFL stadiums soon. If you have a dome or a stadium in the Sun Belt region, you will get a game.

The bowls…that may be another problem altogether.

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