2022 College Football odds

The South. Home of the wealthy!

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In the economy of college football, yes, the south is where the wealth is to be extracted.
Like oil and diamonds from otherwise poor countries, the south exports college football.


Majerus said as much, on a few occasions… He specifically said that Andre was “punch-drunk” in the fourth quarter of that game, and that it was his own substitution pattern that cause it. He regretted those choices the rest of his career, perhaps the rest of his life.

And after having just retired, my almost 40 years of software development experience agrees whole-heartedly :slight_smile:

I feel bad for Majerus for never achieving that to which he was SO close.

Frankly, that loss, always seemed in retrospect, to have broken him.


Or as we like to call it, history. One can only live through it so many times before they begin to accept it as reality. Is that a fatalistic view? Likely, but we fans have learned from our history AND we are doomed to repeat it. Probably. :slight_smile: