What I’m watching

(NM) oops wrong category

Was my favorite show of last year …


That show’s been on my list, mostly because I adore Wash…er…Alan Tudyk.

It’s on Hulu though, and I refuse to subscribe to yet another streaming service on sheer principle alone. What to do, what to do…


…and he left Doom Patrol for this…:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Good for him!

We watched The Queen’s Gambit recently. It was enjoyable. I did not realize that the same guy, Scott Frank, who created TQG also wrote the script for the film Logan. Impressive. We enjoyed it enough that we’re now watching Godless, also by the same creator. So far, so good.

Anyone here watched Godless?


He could still come back to Doom Patrol, and I’m sure he will at some point. He certainly added a lot to the first season, didn’t he?


Alan adds a lot to everything he has been in. Seeing him is one of the very few excuses I would use to justify attending a Comicon.

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Yeah, I’m necro-ing this topic. So, in the time I’ve been feeling physically miserable I’ve had time to watch some shows.

One that I just finished for the 2nd time overall, and really hits me hard each time I watch is: Watch The War: A documentary about World War II by Ken Burns & Lynn Novick | PBS

I enjoy historical documentaries. Mrs CCU, she’s bored to tears by them. Regardless, this is well worth watching, especially since almost all of our WWII veterans are now dead. I really wish my grandfather had talked more of his experience. There are things that need to be remembered, in hopes of never repeating what happened.

I’ve watched Ken Burns’ documentary series on the American Civil War (well worth watching), the Roosevelts, and Baseball. He’s good at his craft and brings the issues home.


I also recommed the Amazon Prime Reacher series.


I liked it too. It was pretty faithful to the book. I read it a couple of years ago, long enough to forget most of the details, but still remember the basic story and remember details as they unfolded.

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I’m recovering from hip replacement and knee scope, so I have quite a bit of tee-vee time on my hands. I just re-watched Martin the sit-com and it was hilarious. I attempted to re-watch Night Court and it was unbearable. If the US government would add this show to their torture repertoire it would crack the wiliest of enemies. Also, the Jesse Stone series of movies was quite good.

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There was a PBS series made in the early 70’s called “World at War”. 27 episodes long. Really well done and had lots of good interviews. Albert Speer, Traudl Junge, various military men. It was great just due to the fact that they had people who were in the center of things.

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I remember seeing pieces of it. I’m going to have to see if it’s part of my access to the PBS Documentaries via Prime.

I just watched the Netflix documentary Downfall the Case Against Boeing. A good expose about the problems with the 737 Max.

Another case where a big time CEO lied to the public and his stockholders and still walked away with a pile of loot.

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The season is over and again, bravo.


Just binged Reacher on Prime.

It was quite enjoyable. Glad to have watched it.


Yes, as well as Mitsuo Fuchida and Minoru Genda, who were deeply involved at Pearl Harbor.

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this epsidsode was really good

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Watched most of this on the plane today. So good.

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Watching “Gaslit”. It’s about Martha Mitchell and Watergate. We are 4 episodes in and it’s very interesting. Highly recommend.